Word of the day Luxurious
Luxurious meaning in Hindi
बहुत आरामदायक और मेहेंगा
Bahut aaramdayak aur mehenga
Luxurious meaning in English
Very comfortable and expensive
Luxurious Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Expensive, opulent
Luxurious Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Spartan, poor
Word Luxurious Uses and Examples
We stayed at a luxurious hotel in Mumbai.
हम Mumbai में एक मेहेंगे hotel में रुके थे।
They have a very luxurious bungalow.
उनके पास एक बहुत ही आलिशान बांग्ला है।
Who wouldn’t want to lead this luxurious lifestyle?
कौन नहीं चाहेगा ऐसा आरामदायक lifestyle रखना?
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