Word of the day Amputate
Amputate meaning in Hindi
(डॉक्टरी कारणों से) रोगी का हाथ, पैर आदि काटना
(Doctori karno se) rogi ka haath, pair aadi katna
Amputate meaning in English
To cut off a person’s arm, leg, etc. for medical reasons
Amputate Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Cut off, sever
Amputate Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Join, glue
Word Amputate Uses and Examples
The doctors had to amputate his leg.
Doctors को उसकी टांग काटनी पड़ी।
It will be dangerous for her if we don’t amputate her hand.
अगर हम उनका हाथ नहीं काटेंगे तो उनके लिए खतरा होगा।
In these cases there is no choice but to amputate.
ऐसे cases में शरीर का अंग काटने के अलावा और कोई रास्ता नहीं बचता है।
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