Word of the day Amicable
Amicable meaning in Hindi
Amicable meaning in English
Relating to behaviour between people that is pleasant and friendly, often despite a difficult situation
Amicable Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Push, shove
Amicable Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Pull, ignore
Word Amicable Uses and Examples
His behaviour was perfectly amicable, but I felt uncomfortable.
वह अपने बर्ताव से बिलकुल मिलनसार था पर मुझे थोड़ा अजीब लगा।
She is quite amicable to all of us.
वह हम सबसे काफी हिली-मिली हुई है।
I can tell the meeting was amicable.
मैं बता सकती हूँ कि बैठक के दौरान कोई विवाद नहीं हुआ।
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