Word of the day Quash
Quash meaning in Hindi
नकारना; किसी चीज़ को रद्द या ख़त्म कर देना, खासकर कानूनी तरीके से।
Quash meaning in English
To quash means to reject, cancel, or invalidate something, especially a legal decision or claim.
Quash Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Cancel, Overturn, Annul, Suppress, Invalidate
Quash Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Uphold, Approve, Ratify, Confirm, Support
Word Quash Uses and Examples
The judge decided to quash the case because of insufficient evidence.
काफी सबूत न होने की वजह से judge ने रद्द कर दिया।
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