Word of the day Profane
Profane meaning in Hindi
अपवित्र करना; किसी पवित्र चीज़ का अपमान करना
Apavitra karna; kisi pavitra cheez ka apmaan karna
Profane meaning in English
To treat something sacred with disrespect or irreverence
Profane Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Desecrate, defile, violate, blaspheme, abuse
Profane Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Respect, honor, revere, sanctify
Word Profane Uses and Examples
1. The graffiti on the church walls was considered profane.
चर्च की दीवारों पर लिखी गई भद्दी बातें अपवित्र मानी गईं।
2. He didn’t realize that his comments were profane and offensive.
उसे यह एहसास नहीं था कि उसकी टिप्पणियाँ अपवित्र और आक्रामक थीं।
3. It’s important not to profane sacred traditions.
पवित्र परंपराओं का अपमान नहीं करना चाहिए।
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