Word of the day Pious
Pious meaning in Hindi
धार्मिक; ईश्वर-भक्त
Dharmik; Ishwar-bhakt
Pious meaning in English
Deeply religious; devout; showing a strong belief in God or a higher power
Pious Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Devout, religious, godly, spiritual, reverent
Pious Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Impious, irreligious, ungodly, unholy, profane
Word Pious Uses and Examples
1. She is a pious woman who spends hours in prayer.
वह एक धार्मिक महिला है जो घंटों प्रार्थना में बिताती है।
2. His pious nature led him to dedicate his life to charity.
उसकी धार्मिक प्रवृत्ति ने उसे अपने जीवन को दान देने में समर्पित कर दिया।
3. The pious monk lived a life of simplicity and devotion.
धार्मिक साधु ने सरलता और भक्ति का जीवन जिया।
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