Longing | Day 573 | Word of the day

Word of the day Longing


Longing meaning in Hindi


तड़प, लालसा

Tadap, Laalsa


Longing meaning in English

A strong desire or yearning for something  


Longing Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Yearning, craving, desire, hunger, wish


Longing Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Apathy, indifference, disdain, aversion


Word Longing Uses and Examples

1. His longing for home made him feel homesick.

घर की तड़प ने उसे घर की याद दिला दी।


2. She expressed her longing for a better future.

उसने एक बेहतर भविष्य के लिए अपनी लालसा व्यक्त की।


3. The child had a longing for the toy in the store.

बच्चे ने दुकान में खिलौने के लिए लालसा दिखाई।

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