Word of the day Covert
Covert meaning in Hindi
छिपा हुआ; गुप्त; छुपा हुआ
Chhipa hua; Gupt; Chhupa hua
Covert meaning in English
Not openly acknowledged or displayed
Covert Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Secret, hidden, clandestine, undercover, concealed
Covert Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Overt, open, obvious, visible, apparent
Word Covert Uses and Examples
1. The covert operations of the intelligence agency were unknown to the public.
खुफिया एजेंसी की छुपी हुई कार्रवाई जनता को अनजान थी।
2. She made a covert attempt to steal the documents from the office.
उसने कार्यालय से दस्तावेज़ चुराने का छिपा हुआ प्रयास किया।
3. The organization operated in a covert manner to avoid attention.
संगठन ध्यान से बचने के लिए एक छुपी हुई तरीके से काम करता था।
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