Isolate | Day 56 | Word of the day

Isolate (आइसलेट्‌)


किसी इंसान या चीज़ को बाकी लोगों या चीज़ों से अलग करना या रखना
Kisi insaan ya cheez ko baaki logon ya cheezon se alag karna ya rakhna

Isolate meaning in English

To put or keep somebody/something separate from other people or things
Pronunciation – Aye-suh-lay-tuh

Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Separate, set apart, cut off, detach, segregate

Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Integrate, unite, associate


  1. He isolated himself after returning from the party.
  2. You do not need to isolate yourself because of anyone.
  3. We should have isolated the patients when we had the chance.
  4. The high wall was isolated from the rest of the small town.
  5. He was isolated from all the other members of the group.

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