Word of the day Gruesome
Gruesome meaning in Hindi
भयानक; खौफनाक; डरावना
Bhayanak; khaufnak; daravna
Gruesome meaning in English
Horrifying, shockingly repugnant, or extremely unpleasant
Gruesome Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Ghastly, horrific, macabre, horrifying
Gruesome Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Pleasant, attractive, agreeable
Word Gruesome Uses and Examples
1. The accident scene was gruesome, leaving everyone in shock.
दुर्घटना का दृश्य भयानक था, जिससे सभी चौंक गए।
2. He couldn’t sleep after watching the gruesome horror movie.
उसने भयानक हॉरर फिल्म देखने के बाद नींद नहीं आई।
3. The details of the crime were too gruesome to discuss in public.
अपराध के विवरण सार्वजनिक रूप से चर्चा के लिए बहुत भयानक थे।
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