Dotty | Day 692 | Word of the day

Word of the day Dotty


Dotty meaning in Hindi


सनकी, पागलपन का शिकार

Sanki, paagalpan ka shikaar


Dotty meaning in English

Mentally unbalanced or slightly crazy; eccentric or strange in a way that is often amusing


Dotty Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Eccentric, quirky, peculiar, whimsical, odd

Dotty Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Sane, normal, rational, sensible


Word Dotty Uses and Examples

1. Her dotty behavior made everyone laugh at the party.
उसके सनकी व्यवहार ने सभी को पार्टी में हंसाया।

2. The old man is a bit dotty but very kind-hearted.
वह बूढ़ा आदमी थोड़ा सनकी है लेकिन बहुत ही दयालु है।

3. She has a dotty habit of talking to her plants.
उसे अपने पौधों से बात करने की सनकी आदत है।

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