Deluge | Day 92 | Word of the day

Word of the day

Deluge meaning in Hindi


किसी को एक ही समय में बहुत-सी चीज़ें भेजना या देना

Kisi ko ek hi samay bahut-si cheezein bhejna ya dena

Deluge meaning in English

To send or give somebody/something a very large quantity of something, all at the same time

Deluge Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Inundate, overwhelm

Deluge Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)



1. She is deluged with applications for the job.

2. We were deluged with replies.

3. I am deluged with tasks.

4. They are deluged with calls asking for confirmation.

5. She is deluged with letters from people in this country who want help.



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