Word of the day Curiosity
Curiosity meaning in Hindi
जिज्ञासा; कुछ नया जानने या समझने की प्रबल इच्छा
Jigyasa; kuch naya jaane ya samajhne ki prabal ichchha
Curiosity meaning in English
A strong desire to learn or know something new; an eagerness to explore or investigate.
Curiosity Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Inquisitiveness, interest, eagerness, thirst for knowledge
Curiosity Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Indifference, apathy, disinterest, unconcern
Word Curiosity Uses and Examples
Her curiosity led her to discover new things about the universe.
उसकी जिज्ञासा ने उसे ब्रह्मांड के बारे में नई चीजें खोजने के लिए प्रेरित किया।
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