Word of the day Crystalline
Crystalline meaning in Hindi
साफ; क्रिस्टल जैसा; जो पूर्ण रूप से पारदर्शी, चमकदार और शुद्ध हो।
Crystalline meaning in English
Describing something that is clear, transparent, or pure, often resembling a crystal in structure or appearance.
Crystalline Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Clear, transparent, glassy, pure, lucid
Crystalline Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Opaque, cloudy, murky, unclear, dirty
Word Crystalline Uses and Examples
The water in the lake was so crystalline that we could see the fish swimming.
झील में पानी इतना साफ था कि हम मछलियों को तैरते हुए देख सकते थे।
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