Idiom of the day | To have a big mouth | Day 670

Idiom of the day – To have a big mouth


To have a big mouth

English Meaning – To talk too much, especially to reveal secrets or share information that should have been kept private.

Hindi Meaning – बहुत ज्यादा बोलना, खासकर ऐसी बातें बताना जिन्हें secret रखना चाहिए या जो नहीं कहनी चाहिए थीं।


To have a big mouth Example

Tina always has a big mouth; she can’t keep any secret, and she tells everyone what she hears.

टीना बहुत ज़्यादा बोलती है, वो कोई भी secret नहीं रख पाती है और जो भी सुनती है सबको बता देती है।

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