Idiom of the day | To buy a cat in a sack | Day 598

Idiom of the day – To buy a cat in a sack


To buy a cat in a sack

English Meaning – To purchase something without inspecting it properly, which might result in disappointment.

Hindi Meaning – बिना जांचे परखे कोई वस्तु खरीदना, जो बाद में निराशाजनक हो सकता है।


To buy a cat in a sack Example

He bought the used phone online without checking its condition, and it turned out to be faulty. That’s what happens when you buy a cat in a sack.

उसने बिना स्थिति देखे online पुराना phone खरीदा, और वह खराब निकला। यही होता है जब आप बिना जांचे कुछ खरीदते हो।

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