Idiom of the day | Knocked the socks off | Day 666

Idiom of the day – Knocked the socks off


Knocked the socks off

English Meaning – To surprise or impress someone greatly, often in a way that they didn’t expect. It’s used when something is so good or amazing that it leaves a strong impression.

Hindi Meaning – किसी को बहुत हैरान या impress करना। जब कोई चीज़ इतनी शानदार होती है कि वह किसी पर गहरा प्रभाव छोड़ती है।


Knocked the socks off Example

The performance by the young dancer knocked the socks off the judges, who were not expecting such talent from someone so young.

छोटे dancer की performance देखकर judges हैरान हो गए क्यूंकि वो इतने छोटे से बच्चे से इतने अच्छे dance की उम्मीद नहीं कर रहे थे।

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Awal is the most loved English coach on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. His unique style of explaining a concept with simple and interesting examples is super hit among his fans. Learn English With Awal and shine!

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