Idiom of the day | Go off like a frog in a sock | Day 587

Idiom of the day – Go off like a frog in a sock


Go off like a frog in a sock

English MeaningTo behave in a wild, excited, or frantic way, often with unpredictable results

Hindi Meaning – अत्यधिक खुशी में unpredictable व्यवहार करना


Go off like a frog in a sock Example

When they announced the surprise party, everyone went off like a frog in a sock, scrambling to get ready.
जब उन्होंने surprise party announce की, तो हर कोई जोश में आकर तैयारियों में लग गया।

After winning the game, the team celebrated by going off like a frog in a sock.
खेल जीतने के बाद, team ने जोशीले तरीके से जश्न मनाया।

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