Idiom of the day | Between a rock and a hard place | Day 284

Idiom of the day- Between a rock and a hard place


Between a rock and a hard place

English Meaning– Having to make a difficult choice between two equally undesirable options or situations

Hindi Meaning – दो options या परिस्थितियों में से दोनों ही अच्छे नहीं होते हुए किसी एक को चुनने की मुश्किल चुनौती


Between a rock and a hard place Example

He found himself between a rock and a hard place when he had to choose between his job and spending more time with his family.

उसे एक मुश्किल चुनौती का सामना करना पड़ा जब उसे अपनी नौकरी और अपने परिवार के साथ अधिक समय बिताने के बीच को एक चीज़ चुनना था।

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Awal is the most loved English coach on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. His unique style of explaining a concept with simple and interesting examples is super hit among his fans. Learn English With Awal and shine!

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