Why there is a Need to Learn Fluent English?

Learning English language has become a necessity in today’s time considering the fact that it is needed wherever you go to make an impression that turns heads. We live in an era in which the World Wide Web or the internet has formed an interconnected international commune, and its common language is English. This change or evolution has helped hundreds and hundreds of multinational companies to have a presence in different parts of the world and hire locals based on spoken English skills. That’s not all people nowadays also get a chance to directly get recruited and start working in a new country without having to go through any kind of hassle like applying for a work permit, finding a job etc. Their present employers send them directly to a different country on an all-expenses-paid trip, which in turn helps them earn more.

The Reason behind English Language’s Popularity

Almost all the businesses or industries have made English their first language with an intention to keep up with today’s world. Therefore, people, these days are finding it more and more important to write and speak English. Irrespective of the fact that, where you live or what exactly you do to earn a living, fluency in English language has become the need of the hour to function in present-day society. Moreover, the extensive use of internet and social media platforms has made expertise in English ever more sought after.

As one of the most extensively spoken foreign languages, even in nations where English is not the official language, it is turning out to be a language, which is commonly spoken every day by everyone. With the current international media influence, English is the most commonly spoken second language across the world. In excess of 400 million people prefer to speak English as their mother tongue and in addition to that more than 700 million people across the globe have officially learned English as a second language.

How English Can Help Grow Business?

If you are thinking about expanding your business internationally, or even just in the domestic market, a deep understanding of the English language will be essential for you to do well. The opportunities for business expansion or even profitable employment are much higher for people who speak English. If you presently do business in India or any other non-English speaking nation, then you can expect your revenue to sky-rocket as soon as you expand internationally. Breaking into a market with potential can be exceptionally lucrative for out of the country businesses, and unsurprisingly, you will be even more successful if you are fluent in English.

Better Job Opportunities

Career opportunities for individuals who speak fluent English are a lot more plentiful than for people who are not. Students who live in not so affluent or poorer areas of the globe can simply get fairly high-paying jobs in the international market simply on the basis of their spoken English skills. Tele-working and working online from the comfort of your home has become pretty common in the business world nowadays. Most of the American and European nations have started outsourcing work to people in India and other nations in Asia where hiring staff is way more inexpensive. The huge difference in prices and the cost of living in these areas make this venture incredibly profitable for both the employer as well as the employee.

A member of staff in India working for an American organization, for instance, can pretty easily make a day’s salary in an hour! You can also make this a reality by simply adding “Outstanding written and spoken English Skills” to your resume or CV that will take you far ahead of the other job seekers and will also allow you to take home a higher remuneration or salary.

Open Your Doors to the World of Entertainment

Most of the world’s top movies, books, and music are published as well as produced in English. Thus, by learning and speaking fluent English you will simply get access to a enormous range of entertainment and get a better cultural understanding.

If you can speak English, you will not have to depend on translations or subtitles any longer to benefit from your favorite books, songs, movies, web series, and TV shows. Watching films and television programs in English is also a fun way to learn the language.

Now, that you know the importance of learning English and speaking it fluently, even though speaking English in a free flow will not be that easy as well as time-consuming. But, it is also fairly crucial to learn this language and create numerous opportunities. So, what are you waiting for? Join Awal’s Spoken English Course today and start speaking English fluently in a matter of days.

October 6, 2020

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Awal is the most loved English coach on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. His unique style of explaining a concept with simple and interesting examples is super hit among his fans. Learn English With Awal and shine!

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