session with mentors
Tobacco use remains one of the leading causes of unpreventable diseases and death worldwide. Every year on May 31st, World No Tobacco Day serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need to combat this global health threat. Effective communication can make a significant difference, whether you’re trying to quit tobacco yourself or supporting a loved one on their journey. One creative and impactful way to bolster these efforts is by using tobacco and smoking phrases and idioms that resonate and inspire. In this blog, we will explore how incorporating smoking and tobacco idioms and phrases into conversations about quitting tobacco can provide motivation, encouragement, and a fresh perspective.
About Anti-Tobacco Day
World No Tobacco Day is celebrated every year on 31 May. This day is dedicated to spreading awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption and promoting efforts to reduce tobacco use. Initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO), the day highlights the health risks that are associated with tobacco consumption, such as cancer, heart disease and respiratory problems. On this day, various campaigns, awareness programs and workshops are organized to motivate people to quit tobacco and adopt a healthy lifestyle. This is also an opportunity for governments and health organizations to advocate for and support more stringent tobacco control policies. Ultimately, World No Tobacco Day aims to move towards a tobacco-free society, making our communities healthy and prosperous.
History of Anti-Tobacco Day
World No Tobacco Day is celebrated every year on 31 May. It was started by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1987. Its objective is to spread awareness about tobacco use and its harmful effects globally and to promote efforts to reduce tobacco use. Anti-Tobacco Day began in 1987, when the World Health Assembly of WHO passed a resolution to observe April 7, 1988, as “World No Tobacco Day”. Subsequently, in 1988, WHO shifted this day to 31 May, and since then it has been celebrated every year on 31 May. Through Anti-Tobacco Day, WHO and other health organizations have drawn attention to the health risks of tobacco use such as cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems. Apart from this, various programs, awareness campaigns and workshops are organized on this day to encourage tobacco users to quit tobacco and adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Significance of Anti-Tobacco Day
The significance of World No Tobacco Day is of utmost importance, as the day is dedicated to spreading awareness of the serious health hazards caused by tobacco use and encouraging efforts to reduce tobacco consumption. Tobacco use is not only harmful to the users but also harms their families and society. On this day, people are made aware of the ill effects of tobacco through various awareness campaigns, workshops and health programs. Also, the day inspires governments and health organizations to strictly enforce tobacco control policies and discourage the use of tobacco products. The main objective of No Tobacco Day is to establish a tobacco-free society so that people’s health can be improved and society can be saved from the harm caused by tobacco.
Ways to Help Someone Quit Tobacco
Helping someone quit tobacco can be challenging, but it is an important and beneficial process. Here are different ways you can help someone quit tobacco:
1. Provide emotional support
Be available: Always be ready to listen and offer encouragement.
Be patient: Understand that the process of quitting can take time and may involve setbacks.
Celebrate milestones: Celebrate their progress, no matter how small.
2. Educate about the risks
Health consequences: Inform them about the health risks of tobacco, such as cancer, heart disease and respiratory problems.
Long-term benefits: Explain the long-term benefits of quitting tobacco, such as better health, longer life and money savings.
3. Provide practical help
Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT): Recommend nicotine patches, gum, or lozenges.
Medical help: Encourage you to consult a doctor so that medication and therapy options can be discussed.
Group support: Suggest joining a support group or counselling session to quit tobacco.
4. Make lifestyle changes
Develop healthy habits: Encourage activities like exercise, yoga, or meditation.
Stay busy: Keep them busy with new hobbies or interests to reduce tobacco cravings.
Change the environment: Remove things that remind you of tobacco use, such as ashtrays and cigarettes.
5. Provide encouragement and inspiration
Set goals: Help set small and attainable goals.
Inspirational Stories: Share success stories of people who have quit tobacco.
Positive Thinking: Encourage them to stay positive and motivated.
6. Get expert help
Counselling: Contact specialized counsellors for tobacco dependence.
Helplines: Use the helpline services available to quit tobacco.
With these methods, you can effectively help someone quit tobacco and motivate them to live a healthy and tobacco-free life.
Learn Some Interesting Idioms and Phrases on Smoke and Tobacco
Consuming tobacco either through smoking is like killing yourself every day, and quitting it requires a lot of effort. Earlier, you have seen phrases and idioms about quitting smoking, but in this blog, we will cover tobacco and smoking phrases and idioms. One of the unique things about this blog is that we have mentioned tobacco and smoking idioms and phrases with their Hindi meanings and examples to help you understand better. These idioms and phrases are some words to describe smoking a cigarette and some of them have metaphorical meaning attached to them. These tobacco and smoking phrases and idioms will help you practice speaking English and become fluent in spoken English.
A puff of smoke
English Meaning: Something that disappears quickly.
Hindi Meaning: कुछ ऐसा जो जल्दी से गायब हो जाता है।
Example: His dreams of becoming an actor vanished in a puff of smoke.
अभिनेता बनने का उनका सपना धुएं के गुबार में उड़ गया।
Blow smoke
English Meaning: To deceive or mislead.
Hindi Meaning: धोखा देना या गुमराह करना।
Example: Stop blowing smoke and tell me the truth.
गुमराह करना बंद करो और मुझे सच बताओ।
Go up in smoke
English Meaning: To fail completely.
Hindi Meaning: पूरी तरह नाकामयाब होना।
Example: All our hard work went up in smoke when the project was cancelled.
जब project रद्द हो गया तो हमारी सारी मेहनत बर्बाद हो गई।
Smoke out
English Meaning: To uncover or reveal the truth.
Hindi Meaning: सच को उजागर करना।
Example: The journalist managed to smoke out the corruption scandal.
पत्रकार भ्रष्टाचार घोटाले को उजागर करने में कामयाब रहा।
Smoking gun
English Meaning: Clear evidence of a crime or wrongdoing.
Hindi Meaning: किसी अपराध या गलत काम का सबूत।
Example: The email was the smoking gun that proved their guilt.
Email वह अपराधन का प्रमाण था जिसने उनके अपराध को साबित कर दिया।
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire
English Meaning: If there is evidence of a problem, there probably is a problem.
Hindi Meaning: अगर किसी समस्या का सबूत है, तो संभव है कोई समस्या है।
Example: The rumors of layoffs might be true; where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
छँटनी की अफवाहें सच हो सकती हैं; जहाँ धुआँ है वहीं आग होती है।
Light up
English Meaning: To start smoking a cigarette.
Hindi Meaning: Cigarette पीना शुरू करना।
Example: He stepped outside to light up after the meeting.
Meeting के बाद वह cigarette पीने के लिए बाहर निकले।
Blow rings
English Meaning: To blow smoke rings.
Hindi Meaning: धुएँ के छल्ले उड़ाना।
Example: He sat back, blowing rings of smoke into the air.
वह cigarette से धुएं के छल्ले हवा में उड़ाता हुआ वापस बैठ गया।
Put that in your pipe and smoke it
English Meaning: Accept and consider what has been said, even if it is unwelcome.
Hindi Meaning: जो कहा गया है उसे स्वीकार करना और उस पर विचार करना, भले ही वह अनचाहा हो।
Example: I got the promotion over you. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
मुझे आपसे ऊपर promotion मिल गया। इस बात को स्वीकार करें भले ही आपको ये न पसंद आये।
Cigar bar
English Meaning: A bar where cigars are sold and smoked.
Hindi Meaning: एक bar जहां सिगार बेचा और पिया जाता है।
Example: They met at a cigar bar to discuss the deal.
सौदे पर चर्चा करने के लिए वे एक cigar bar में मिले।
Stub out
English Meaning: To extinguish a cigarette.
Hindi Meaning: Cigarette बुझाना।
Example: He stubbed out his cigarette before entering the building.
इमारत में प्रवेश करने से पहले उसने अपनी cigarette बुझा दी।
English Meaning: Something that hides the truth.
Hindi Meaning: कुछ ऐसा जो सच छुपाता है।
Example: The press release was just a smokescreen to cover up the real issues.
Press release वास्तविक मुद्दों को छुपाने का एक दिखावा मात्र थी।
Secondhand smoke
English Meaning: Smoke inhaled involuntarily from tobacco being smoked by others.
Hindi Meaning: दूसरों द्वारा धूम्रपान किये जाने वाले तम्बाकू से जो धुआं आपके अंदर जाता है।
Example: Secondhand smoke is harmful to nonsmokers, especially children.
Secondhand smoke धूम्रपान न करने वालों, ख़ासकर बच्चों के लिए हानिकारक है।
Burning desire
English Meaning: A very strong desire.
Hindi Meaning: बहुत प्रबल इच्छा।
Example: He had a burning desire to succeed in his career.
उसे अपने career में सफल होने की तीव्र इच्छा थी।
English Meaning: A receptacle for cigarette ashes and butts.
Hindi Meaning: Cigarette की राख और butt रखने के लिए एक पात्र।
Example: He emptied the ashtray filled with cigarette butts.
उसने cigarette के टुकड़ों से भरी ashtray खाली कर दी।
Fag break
English Meaning: A break taken from work to smoke a cigarette.
Hindi Meaning: Cigarette पीने के लिए काम से लिया गया break.
Example: They went on a fag break after the long meeting.
लंबी meeting के बाद वे cigarette पीने के लिए break पर चले गए।
Nicotine patch
English Meaning: A patch that releases nicotine to help quit smoking.
Hindi Meaning: एक patch जो धूम्रपान छोड़ने में मदद करने के लिए nicotine जारी करता है।
Example: He’s using a nicotine patch to help him quit smoking.
वह धूम्रपान छोड़ने में मदद के लिए nicotine patch का इस्तेमाल कर रहा है।
Like smoke through a keyhole
English Meaning: Very thin and fleeting.
Hindi Meaning: बहुत काम और क्षणभंगुर।
Example: Their chances of winning the lottery are like smoke through a keyhole.
Lottery जीतने की उनकी संभावनाएं बहुत कम हैं।
Cigarette butt
English Meaning: The part of a cigarette left after smoking.
Hindi Meaning: Cigarette पीने के बाद बचा हुआ cigarette का भाग।
Example: The sidewalk was littered with cigarette butts.
फुटपाथ cigarette के टुकड़ों से भरा पड़ा था।
Tobacco road
English Meaning: A place where the tobacco industry is prominent.
Hindi Meaning: वह स्थान जहाँ तम्बाकू की industry प्रमुख है।
Example: He grew up on Tobacco Road, where many families worked in the industry.
वह Tobacco Road पर पले-बढ़े, जहां कई परिवार industry में काम करते थे।
Blow smoke rings
English Meaning: To show off or waste time with idle talk.
Hindi Meaning: दिखावा करना या बेकार की बातों में समय बर्बाद करना।
Example: He’s always blowing smoke rings instead of getting any real work done.
वह कोई वास्तविक काम करने के बजाय हमेशा बेकार की बातों में समय बर्बाद करता रहता है।
In smoke
English Meaning: Disappeared or vanished.
Hindi Meaning: गायब हो गया।
Example: All our hard work increased in smoke when the plan failed.
जब योजना नाकामयाब हो गई तो हमारी सारी मेहनत बर्बाद हो गई।
English Meaning: Looking very pale, often due to shock or illness.
Hindi Meaning: अक्सर सदमे या बीमारी की वजह से बहुत पीला दिखना।
Example: He was ashenfaced when he heard the bad news.
जब उसने बुरी खबर सुनी तो उसका चेहरा उदास हो गया।
Blow smoke up someone’s skirt
English Meaning: To flatter or deceive someone.
Hindi Meaning: किसी की चापलूसी करना या धोखा देना।
Example: Stop blowing smoke up my skirt; I know you’re just trying to get on my good side.
मेरी चापलूसी करना बंद करो; मैं जानता हूं कि आप सिर्फ मेरा पक्ष लेने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं।
Cigarette holder
English Meaning: A long, thin tube used to hold a cigarette.
Hindi Meaning: Cigarette रखने के लिए इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली एक लंबी, पतली tube.
Example: She used a cigarette holder to smoke elegantly at the party.
Party में शानदार ढंग से धूम्रपान करने के लिए उन्होंने cigarette holder का इस्तेमाल किया।
Filter tip
English Meaning: The filter at the end of a cigarette.
Hindi Meaning: Cigarette के अंत में लगा filter.
Example: He prefers cigarettes with a filter tip for a smoother smoke.
वह हल्के धुएं के लिए filter tip वाली cigarette पसंद करते हैं।
Puff away
English Meaning: To smoke continuously.
Hindi Meaning: लगातार धूम्रपान करना।
Example: He puffed away on his cigar while reading the newspaper.
अखबार पढ़ते समय उसने सिगार का कश खींचा।
Smoke like a chimney
English Meaning: To smoke a lot.
Hindi Meaning: खूब धूम्रपान करना।
Example: She smokes like a chimney, going through a pack a day.
वह खूब धूम्रपान करती है, दिन में एक packet cigarette पी जाती है।
Smoke-filled room
English Meaning: A place where secret or private discussions are held.
Hindi Meaning: वह जगह जहाँ गुप्त या निजी बातें होती हों।
Example: The decision was made in a smokefilled room with only a few insiders present.
यह फैसला बंद कमरे में किया गया जिसमें केवल कुछ अंदरूनी लोग मौजूद थे।
Tobacco pouch
English Meaning: A small bag used to carry loose tobacco.
Hindi Meaning: खुली तम्बाकू ले जाने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला एक छोटा थैला।
Example: He reached into his tobacco pouch to roll a cigarette.
उसने cigarette रोल करने के लिए अपनी तंबाकू की थैली में हाथ डाला।
Up in smoke
English Meaning: Completely destroyed or wasted.
Hindi Meaning: पूरी तरह नष्ट या बर्बाद।
Example: Their investment plans went up in smoke after the market crash.
बाज़ार में गिरावट के बाद उनकी निवेश योजनाएं पूरी तरह बर्बाद हो गईं।
Wreath of smoke
English Meaning: A circular cloud of smoke.
Hindi Meaning: धुएं का एक गोलाकार बादल।
Example: He blew a wreath of smoke and watched it slowly dissipate.
उसने धुएँ का बादल उड़ाया और उसे धीरे-धीरे ख़त्म होते देखा।
Tobacco barn
English Meaning: A building where tobacco is cured.
Hindi Meaning: एक इमारत जहां तम्बाकू की खेती की जाती है।
Example: The old tobacco barn stood as a reminder of the region’s agricultural past.
पुराना तम्बाकू खलिहान उस क्षेत्र की खेती की अतीत की याद दिलाता है।
Some Interesting Anti-Tobacco Quotes in English
Here we have shared some anti-tobacco quotes in English, that you can use on this Anti-Tobacco Day to inspire someone to get rid of tobacco.
- “Taste the Life without Tobacco.”
- “Quit tobacco, welcome happiness.”
- “Quit your tobacco habit, and adopt a healthy life.”
- “Quit tobacco smoke, and breathe healthy air.”
- “Life tastes better without tobacco.”
- “Tobacco addiction, health hazards.”
- “Quit tobacco, for yourself and your loved ones.”
- “Stay away from tobacco, and adopt a healthy future.”
- “Bring new light into life without tobacco.”
- “Quit tobacco, and get a new dawn in life.”
- Life is Amazing without Tobacco.
- Never eat tobacco, Never get close to worry.
We hope this blog has inspired you to quit tobacco and get rid of this bad habit. Also, the tobacco and smoking phrases and idioms with Hindi meanings and examples have helped you to learn spoken English online and practice speaking English. If you want to learn spoken English online and are looking for some best spoken English classes online, you can join an online spoken English course.
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