Learn Some Interesting Pet Idioms, Phrases and Sentences on National Pet Day

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Pets are part of our family, and they always make us feel at home, welcome and comfortable. Pets are the strongest pillar of the family as they protect us, love us unconditionally and can do anything to make us happy, and all they want in return is our attention. So, celebrate this National Pet Day by making it special for your pet, and one such thing is how you express your feelings to them. In this blog, we will learn the importance and significance of National Pet Day and learn some daily use sentences, idioms and phrases about pet animals with meanings and examples. This blog will help you practice English speaking and will also help you learn spoken English online. 


About National Pet Day

National Pet Day is meant to remind us that we should take the time to love our pet companions. This day is celebrated every year on 11 April. On this day, people spend special time with their pets, feed them special food, play with them, and show them love and affection. Through this day, we respect our animals and recognize the importance of our care and affection with them. The main purpose of celebrating this day is so that we can spend more time with our pets and enjoy a lively and happy life with them.


History of National Pet Day

The history of National Pet Day traces its traditional roots to celebrating the importance of pets and fostering a bond with them. The day was first notified on April 11, 2006, by the President of the American Animal Defense Organization. It is considered a medium to promote good relationships with pets and spread awareness for their welfare.


Through this day, people spend time with their pets and show them love and affection. To explain the importance of this day, organizations often raise awareness of the growing need for animal rights and welfare. Let this day be lived so that people can properly communicate with their pets, take care of them and give them respect.


Significance of National Pet Day

The significance of National Pet Day is the ideals that we keep with our pets. This day makes us understand the importance of responsibility and love towards pets. Through this day, we bond with our animals by spending more time with them, taking care of them and communicating more with them. It makes us understand the importance of making animals our allies and companions and makes us understand the responsibility for their conservation. Through this day, we give respect and love to those who have become an important part of our lives.


Daily Use English Sentences About Your Pets

Everyone having pets feels that they are an important part of their family and like talking to them about their everyday life. Most of them find their friend in them and talk almost about everything with them. Keeping that in mind, we have covered some daily use English sentences about pets that you can use while having conversations about your pet. These daily use sentences in English related to pets will help you learn English speaking and will also help you improve your fluency in spoken English.


  1. तुम्हें देखकर मैं अपनी सारी परेशानियां भूल जाती हूँ। 

Seeing you I forget all my problems.


  1. तुम मेरे जीवन की खुशियों का सबसे बड़ा हिस्सा हो।

You are the biggest part of happiness in my life.


  1. तुम्हारा साथ मेरे दिल को शांति देता है।

Your company gives peace to my heart.


  1. इसके बिना मेरी ज़िन्दगी अधूरी सी है। 

Without him/her my life is incomplete.


  1. इसकी वजह से घर में रौनक बनी रहती है।  

Because of him/her the house remains bright.


  1. घर में ये न दिखे तो मेरा मन नहीं लगता है। 

If I don’t see him/her at home, I don’t feel like home.


  1. मैं इसे हर रोज़ शाम में बाहर टहलाने ले जाती हूँ। 

I take him out for a walk every evening.


  1. इसके होने से घर में रौनक बनी रहती है। 

His/Her presence fills the home with excitement.


20+ Pet Animal Idioms to Learn on National Pet Day

Celebrating National Pet Day, we are going to share here some pet idioms with meanings and examples. You have already seen animal idioms and phrases in the previous blog, but here we are going to share some pet phrases and idioms. These pet animal idioms and phrases will help you learn basic English speaking and will improve your spoken English.


Learn Some Dog Idioms and Phrases With Meaning

Find a list of some idioms related to dogs with meanings and examples in English and Hindi. 


Every dog has its day 

English Meaning: Everyone will have a moment of success or good fortune at some point in their life.

Hindi Meaning: हर इंसान को अपने जीवन में कभी न कभी सफलता या सौभाग्य के पल ज़रूर मिलेंगे।

Example: Despite facing numerous failures in his career, Jatin finally got a promotion. It just goes to show that every dog has its day.

                अपने career में कई नाकामयाबियों का सामना करने के बावजूद, जतिन को आखिरकार promotion मिल गया। यह सिर्फ यह दिखाता है कि हर कुत्ते का दिन आता है।


Let sleeping dogs lie

English Meaning: To avoid stirring up trouble or reopening old conflicts.

Hindi Meaning: परेशानी पैदा करने या पुराने विवादों को फिर से खोलने से बचना।

Example: I know you’re upset about what happened, but it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie and move on.

                मुझे पता है कि जो कुछ हुआ उससे आप परेशान हैं, लेकिन बेहतर यही होगा कि गड़े मुद्दों को न उखाड़ा जाए और आगे बढ़ दिया जाए।


In the doghouse

English Meaning: To be in trouble or disfavour.

Hindi Meaning: मुश्किल या परेशानी में पड़ना।

Example: After forgetting their anniversary, Rahul found himself in the doghouse with his wife.

                अपनी सालगिरह भूलने के बाद, राहुल ने खुद को अपनी पत्नी के सामने मुश्किल में पाया।


Play a dog in the manger

English Meaning: To refuse to let others enjoy something that one has no use for oneself.

Hindi Meaning: दूसरों को उस चीज़ का आनंद लेने से इंकार करना जो आप के लिए कोई काम की नहीं है।

Example: Sameera always plays dog in the manger when it comes to sharing her toys with her younger sister.

                जब अपनी छोटी बहन के साथ खिलौने share करने की बात आती है तो समीरा हमेशा मना कर देती है।


Dog tired

English Meaning: Extremely tired or exhausted.

Hindi Meaning: बहुत ज़्यादा थका हुआ।

Example: After working a double shift at the hospital, Sneha was dog-tired and couldn’t wait to get home to bed.

                अस्पताल में double shift में काम करने के बाद, स्नेहा काफी थक गई थी और घर आकर बिस्तर पर जाने का इंतज़ार कर रही थी।


Work like a dog

English Meaning: To work very hard or diligently.

Hindi Meaning: बहुत मेहनत या लगन से काम करना।

Example: Despite the difficult conditions, the farmers worked like dogs to harvest the crops before the storm arrived.

                 कठिन परिस्थितियों के बावजूद, किसानों ने तूफान आने से पहले फसल काटने के लिए कुत्तों की तरह काम किया।


Sick as a dog

English Meaning: To be very ill or sick.

Hindi Meaning: बहुत बीमार होना।

Example: Tushar was sick as a dog for days after eating spoiled food.

                  खराब खाना खाने के बाद तुषार कई दिनों तक बहुत बीमार रहा।


Dog-eat-dog world 

English Meaning: A competitive and ruthless environment where people will do anything to succeed.

Hindi Meaning:  एक प्रतिस्पर्धी (competitive) माहौल जहां लोग सफल होने के लिए कुछ भी करेंगे।

Example: The business world can be a dog-eat-dog world, so it’s important to be assertive and stand your ground.

                 Business की दुनिया बहुत competitive हो सकती है, इसलिए दृढ़ रहना और अपनी बात पर कायम रहना बहुत ज़रूरी है।


To go to the dogs

English Meaning: To deteriorate or decline in quality.

Hindi Meaning: Quality में गिरावट आना।

Example: Since the new manager took over, the company’s customer service has gone to the dogs.

                 जब से नए manager ने कार्यभार संभाला है, company की customer service ख़राब हो गई है।


Top dog 

English Meaning: The most powerful or influential person in a group or organization.

Hindi Meaning: किसी समूह या संगठन का सबसे शक्तिशाली या प्रभावशाली इंसान।

Example: Despite being the youngest member of the team, Riya quickly rose to become the top dog in the marketing department. 

                Team की सबसे कम उम्र की सदस्य होने के बावजूद, रिया जल्द ही marketing department में काफी ऊपर तक पहुंच गई।


Learn Some Idioms and Phrases on Cat With Meanings and Sentences

Find a list of some phrases and idioms on cats with meanings and examples in English and Hindi. 


Curiosity killed the cat

English Meaning: Being too curious can lead to trouble.

Hindi Meaning: बहुत ज़्यादा जिज्ञासु होना परेशानी की वजह बन सकता है।

Example: Anuj’s constant snooping around got him into trouble once again. Remember, curiosity killed the cat.

                अनुज की लगातार ताक-झांक ने उसे एक बार फिर मुसीबत में डाल दिया। याद रखें, बहुत ज़्यादा जिज्ञासु होना परेशानी की वजह बन सकता है।


Like herding cats

English Meaning: Trying to control or organise something chaotic or unruly.

Hindi Meaning: किसी ऐसी चीज़ को काबू में या व्यवस्थित करने का प्रयास करना जो पूरी तरह बेकाबू हो।

Example: Managing a classroom full of energetic kindergarteners is like herding cats.

                 बहुत छोटे बच्चों से भरी कक्षा को manage करना बेकाबू स्थिति पर काबू पाने जैसा है।


Look what the cat dragged in

English Meaning: Referring to someone arriving who is untidy, dishevelled, or unpleasant.

Hindi Meaning: किसी ऐसे इंसान का जिक्र करना जो गन्दा, अस्त-व्यस्त या किसी को पसंद न हो।

Example: Well, look what the cat dragged in. It’s Namit, looking like he hasn’t slept in days.

                 अच्छा, देखो वो कितना गन्दा बनकर आ रहा है। यह नामित है, ऐसा लग रहा है कि वह कई दिनों से सोया नहीं है।


To bell the cat 

English Meaning: To undertake a dangerous task.

Hindi Meaning: कोई खतरनाक काम करना।

Example: Everyone agreed that we needed to address the issue, but nobody wanted to be the one to bell the cat and confront the boss.

                हर कोई इस बात पर सहमत था कि हमें इस मुद्दे का समाधान करने की ज़रूरत है, लेकिन कोई भी खतरनाक काम करना और boss से भिड़ना नहीं चाहता था।


To rain cats and dogs 

English Meaning: To rain heavily.

Hindi Meaning: भारी बारिश होना।

Example: We had to cancel our picnic because it was raining cats and dogs all day.

                 हमें अपनी picnic रद्द करनी पड़ी क्योंकि पूरे दिन बारिश हो रही थी।


Grinning like a Cheshire cat 

English Meaning: To be smiling widely or smugly.

Hindi Meaning: खुलकर मुस्कुराना।

Example: When Kavita heard the news, she was grinning like a Cheshire cat because she knew she had won the bet.

                 जब कविता ने यह खबर सुनी, तो वह खुलकर मुस्कुराने लगी क्योंकि उसे पता था कि उसने शर्त जीत ली है।


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As curious as a cat

English Meaning:  To be very curious.

Hindi Meaning: बहुत जिज्ञासु होना। 

Example: The toddler is as curious as a cat, always exploring every nook and cranny of the house.

                 बच्चा बहुत ज़्यादा जिज्ञासु है, वह हमेशा घर के हर कोने की खोज करता रहता है।



English Meaning: To be easily frightened or timid.

Hindi Meaning: आसानी से डर जाना।

Example: Don’t be such a scaredy-cat. It’s just a harmless spider.

                 इतने डरपोक मत बनो। यह सिर्फ एक मकड़ी है। 


Learn Some Rabbit Idioms and Phrases With Meaning

Find a list of some rabbit idioms and phrases with meanings and examples in English and Hindi. 


Pulling rabbits out of a hat

English Meaning: Doing something surprising or unexpected; performing magic tricks.

Hindi Meaning: कुछ आश्चर्यजनक या अचानक से कुछ करना; जादू के करतब दिखाना। 

Example: The CEO always seems to be pulling rabbits out of a hat when it comes to turning around failing projects.

                 जब असफल projects को सही करने की बात आती है तो CEO हमेशा कुछ चौंका देने वाला काम करते हुए नज़र आते हैं।


Mad as a March hare 

English Meaning: To behave crazily or eccentrically.

Hindi Meaning: पागल या सनकी ढंग से व्यवहार करना।

Example: After pulling an all-nighter to finish the project, Shashank was as mad as a March hare the next day. 

                  Project को पूरा करने के लिए पूरी रात मेहनत करने के बाद, शशांक अगले दिन पागल हो गया था।


To run with the hare and hunt with the hounds

English Meaning: To support two opposing sides or groups simultaneously.

Hindi Meaning: एक ही समय में दो विरोधी पक्षों या समूहों का समर्थन करना।

Example: Shruti tries to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds by pretending to agree with both her friends who are in a disagreement.

                श्रुति अपने दोनों असहमत दोस्तों से सहमत होने का नाटक करके दोनों विरोधी पक्षों का साथ देने की कोशिश करती है।


Chase rabbits 

English Meaning: To waste time or pursue pointless tasks.

Hindi Meaning: समय बर्बाद करना या बेवजह कामों में लगना।

Example: Stop chasing rabbits and focus on what’s important for the project.

                 समय बर्बाद करना या बेवजह कामों में लगना बंद करें और इस बात पर ध्यान दे कि project के लिए क्या बहुत ज़रूरी है।


Have rabbit ears 

English Meaning: To be very sensitive or responsive to sounds.

Hindi Meaning: कान तेज़ होना।

Example: Ever since his surgery, Ishu seems to have rabbit ears; he hears every little noise in the house.

                अपनी surgery के बाद से, इशु के कान बहुत तेज़ हो गए हैं; वह घर का हर छोटा शोर सुन लेता है।


Go down the rabbit hole

English Meaning: To delve deeply into a complex or obscure topic.

Hindi Meaning: किसी मुश्किल या अस्पष्ट विषय में गहराई से उतरना।

Example: I started researching a simple question online and ended up going down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories.

                मैंने एक सरल सवाल पर online research करना शुरू किया और आखिकार conspiracy theories के जाल में फंस गया।


To be as fast as a rabbit

English Meaning: To be very quick or agile.

Hindi Meaning: बहुत तेज़ या फुर्तीला होना।

Example: The new sports car is as fast as a rabbit; it can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in just a few seconds.

                नई sports car बहुत तेज़ है; यह कुछ ही सेकंड में 0 से 60 मील प्रति घंटे की रफ्तार पकड़ सकती है।


Learn Some Rat Idioms and Phrases With Meaning

Find a list of some rat idioms and phrases with meanings and examples in English and Hindi. 


Rat race 

English Meaning: A competitive struggle or pursuit of success, often used to describe the hectic pace of urban life.

Hindi Meaning: संघर्ष या सफलता की खोज, शहरी जीवन के भाग-दौड़ के बारे में बताने के लिए इसका इस्तेमाल किया जाता है।

Example: Sanjana felt exhausted from the constant rat race of trying to climb the corporate ladder.

                 Corporate सीढ़ी पर चढ़ने की लगातार दौड़-भाग से संजना को थकावट महसूस हुई।


Smell a rat 

English Meaning: To sense that something is wrong or suspicious.

Hindi Meaning: यह महसूस करना कि कुछ गलत या संदिग्ध है।

Example: When Arjun saw the meager prices, he smelled a rat and decided not to purchase.

                 जब अर्जुन ने असामान्य रूप से कम कीमतें देखीं, तो उसे संदेह हुआ और उसने खरीदारी न करने का फैसला किया।


Rat on someone

English Meaning: To betray or inform someone.

Hindi Meaning: किसी के साथ विश्वासघात करना या किसी चीज़ के बारे में जानकारी देना।

Example: Ashwin promised not to rat on his classmates who were planning a prank on the teacher.

                अश्विन ने अपने उन सहपाठियों के साथ विश्वासघात न करने का वादा किया जो शिक्षक के साथ शरारत करने की योजना बना रहे थे।


Rat out

English Meaning: To reveal damaging or incriminating information about someone.

Hindi Meaning: किसी के बारे में हानिकारक या आपत्तिजनक जानकारी सामने रखना।

Example: Shivani was angry when her friend rat out on her to the teacher about the broken window.

                 शिवानी उस समय गुस्सा हो गई जब उसकी सहेली ने टूटी खिड़की के बारे में शिक्षक को सब कुछ बता दिया। 


Like rats leaving a sinking ship

English Meaning: Describing people abandoning a failing situation or organization.

Hindi Meaning: किसी असफल स्थिति या संगठन को छोड़ने वाले लोगों के बारे में बताना।

Example: After the scandal broke out, employees started resigning one by one, like rats leaving a sinking ship.

                 घोटाला सामने आने के बाद कर्मचारी एक-एक करके इस्तीफ़ा देने लगे, जैसे डूबते जहाज को चूहे छोड़ रहे हों।


Rat’s nest

English Meaning: A disorganized or tangled mess.

Hindi Meaning: अव्यवस्थित या उलझी हुई गड़बड़ी।

Example: Anjali’s desk is always a rat’s nest of papers and folders; she needs to organize it.

                अंजलि की मेज़ हमेशा कागज़ों और folders से भरी रहती है; उसे वास्तव में इसे व्यवस्थित करने की ज़रूरत है।


Caught in a rat trap

English Meaning: To be in a difficult or hopeless situation.

Hindi Meaning: किसी कठिन या निराशाजनक स्थिति में होना।

Example: After investing all his money in the failing company, Naveen found himself caught in a rat trap with no way out.

                असफल company में अपना सारा पैसा निवेश करने के बाद, नवीन बहुत ज़्यादा निराश हो गया और  उसके पास इससे बाहर निकलने का कोई रास्ता नहीं था।


Know Some National Pet Day Wishes in English and Hindi

Here we have mentioned some National Pet Day Wishes in English and Hindi, that you can use to wish anyone and you can also use them as National Pet Day quotes.


  1. Wishing all our furry friends a day filled with extra treats, belly rubs, and endless love! Happy National Pet Day!

सभी हमारे बालों वाले दोस्तों को स्नेह, पेट पूजा और बेहद प्यार से भरे हुए दिन की शुभकामनाएँ! राष्ट्रीय पालतू दिवस की शुभकामनाएँ!


  1. To our loyal companions who bring joy to our lives every day, may your wagging tails and playful antics never cease to brighten our days. Happy National Pet Day!

हमारे वफादार साथियों को, जो हर दिन हमारे जीवन में आनंद लाते हैं, आशा है कि तुम्हारी हिलती हुई पूछ और खिलखिलाहट कभी भी हमारे दिनों को उजागर न छोड़े। राष्ट्रीय पालतू दिवस की शुभकामनाएँ!


  1. Here’s to the ones who listen without judgment, love unconditionally, and make our hearts overflow with happiness. Happy National Pet Day to all the wonderful pets out there!

ये दिन उनको समर्पित है, जो बिना judge किये हमें सुनते हैं, बिना शर्त प्यार करते हैं, और हमारे दिल को खुशियों से भर देते हैं। राष्ट्रीय पालतू दिवस के सभी शानदार पालतूओं को शुभकामनाएँ!


  1. May your purrs be loud, your treats be plentiful, and your cuddles be warm. Happy National Pet Day to our beloved feline friends!

आशा है कि तुम्हारे म्याउँ बहुत शोर मचाएँ, तुम्हारी treats अनेक हों और तुम्हारा प्यार गर्मजोशी से भरा। हमारे प्यारे पालतू दोस्तों को राष्ट्रीय पालतू दिवस की शुभकामनाएँ!


  1. On National Pet Day, let’s paws for a moment to appreciate the unconditional love and companionship our pets bring into our lives. Here’s to you, our cherished fur babies!

राष्ट्रीय पालतू दिवस पर, हमें एक क्षण के लिए रुककर समय निकालना चाहिए ताकि हमारे पालतू हमारे जीवन में बेशुमार प्यार और साथ की कीमत को समझ सकें। हमारे प्यारे बालों वाले बच्चों, तुम्हें ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएँ!



We hope you celebrate this National Pet Day by making this day special for your pets. These pet idioms and phrases and daily use sentences have also helped you express your feelings about your pet and learn basic English speaking. If you want to practice English speaking and looking for the best English-speaking course online, then you can join Awal sir’s spoken English classes.

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Awal is the most loved English coach on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. His unique style of explaining a concept with simple and interesting examples is super hit among his fans. Learn English With Awal and shine!

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