Noun: Meaning, types and examples with Hindi Meaning

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A part of speech is like a label we use to understand what job a word is doing in a sentence. It tells us how the word fits into the structure of the sentence and what meaning it adds.


Meaning of Noun:

Today, we’re going to talk about nouns. Nouns are one of the eight parts of speech, which are like different types of word jobs. In this blog, we’ll really focus on nouns and why they’re super important for how we use language.

Definition of Noun 

A noun is a word that gives a name to things like people, places, animals, objects, or feelings. It’s like a tag that helps us talk about stuff. For example, “dog,” “Paris,” “happiness,” and “table” are all nouns because they name specific things. Nouns are important because they help us talk about and understand the world around us.

किसी भी व्यक्ति, वस्तु, स्थान, प्राणी या भाव के नाम को संज्ञा कहते हैं


There are five types of Noun:

Following are the types or kinds of noun in English and Hindi with examples:

  1. Proper Noun (व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा):

A Proper Noun is like a special name for something specific, like a person, place, or thing. It’s different from common nouns because it refers to something unique, so we always start it with a capital letter.

किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान या वस्तु के बारे में बताने वाली संज्ञा व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा कहलाती है। 


India is one of my favourite places to visit.

भारत घूमने के लिए मेरी पसंदीदा जगहों में से एक है।

“India” is a Proper Noun because it’s the name of a specific country, not just any country.

Julie is my best friend.

Julie मेरी सबसे अच्छी दोस्त है।

“Julie” is a Proper Noun because it’s the name of a particular person, not just any person.

Tommy is the name of my dog.

Tommy मेरे कुत्ते का नाम है।

 “Tommy” is a Proper Noun because it’s the name of a specific dog, not just any dog.

Proper nouns help us talk about particular things in a clear and specific way, making sure we know exactly what we’re talking about. They’re like special labels that help us recognize and refer to unique people, places, or things.

  1. Common Noun (जातिवाचक संज्ञा):

A Common Noun is a type of noun that refers to general, non-specific people, animals, places, things, or concepts. Unlike Proper Nouns, which are specific names for particular individuals or entities, Common Nouns are more general and can apply to any member of a group or category.

सामान्य संज्ञा का use खास चीजों को describe करने के लिए किया जाता है जैसे कि लोगों की qualification, जानवर या चीज। 



Class of people: Father, Mother, Boy, Girl, Children, Student, Teacher, Minister, etc.

लोगों का वर्ग: पिता, माता, लड़की, बच्चे, छात्र, शिक्षक, मंत्री, आदि

These include words like “teacher,” “doctor,” “student,” “parent,” and “child,” which refer to individuals based on their roles, professions, or relationships.

Class of animal: Lion, Tiger, Dog, Cat, Bear, Elephant, Deer, Parrot, etc.

जानवरों की श्रेणी: शेर, बाघ, कुत्ता, बिल्ली, भालू, हाथी, तोता, हिरणी आदि

Examples include “cat,” “dog,” “elephant,” “bird,” and “fish,” which denote different types of creatures without specifying any particular one.

Class of things: Table, Chair, Bus, Computer, Pen, Book, Shoe, Bottle, etc.

वस्तु का वर्ग: मेज, कुर्सी, बस, संगणक, कलम, किताब, जूता, बोतल , आदि।

 These cover a wide range of objects and concepts, including “table,” “chair,” “car,” “computer,” “idea,” “emotion,” and “event.”

  1. Collective Noun (समूहवाचक संज्ञा):

A Collective Noun is a word that names a group of people, animals, or things. What’s special about these nouns is that they represent a bunch of individuals or objects acting as one. They show that the group works together or shares something in common. So, Collective Nouns emphasize the idea of unity within a group.

जिन शब्दों से लोगों, जानवरों या चीजों के समूह का बोध होता है, उन्हें सामूहिक संज्ञा कहते हैं। 


Collective Noun Examples:

 A team of players.

खिलाड़ियों की एक team।

“Team” is a word for a group of players playing together. “Players” are the people who make up the team, and “team” is the name for the whole group.

A herd of cattle.

पशु का झुंड।

“Herd” is a word for a bunch of cattle or other grazing animals moving together. It’s like all the animals are sticking together and moving as one big group

A parliament of owls.

उल्लू की संसद।

“Parliament” is a funny word used for a group of owls. It’s like they’re all meeting up together, kind of like politicians do in a parliament.

A flock of birds.

पक्षियों का झुंड।

“Flock” is a word for a bunch of birds flying or moving together. They’re all moving around together, like friends hanging out.

A chest of drawers.

दराज़ का एक सीना।

“Chest” is a word for a piece of furniture with drawers. It’s like all the drawers are stuck together in one big piece of furniture.

A stack of wood.

लकड़ी का ढेर।

“Stack” is a word for a pile of wood all piled up together. It’s like someone put all the pieces of wood on top of each other in a neat pile.

A pair of shoes.

जूतों की एक जोड़ी

“Pair” is a word for two shoes worn together. It’s like they’re a matching set, ready to be worn on your feet.

A library of books.

किताबों का एक पुस्तकालय।

“Library” is a word for a bunch of books gathered together in one place. It’s like all the books are hanging out in the same place, ready for people to read them.


Read more collective Noun examples here with meaning and examples.


  1. Abstract Noun (भाववाचक संज्ञा):

An idea which we cannot see, hear, touch, taste or smell is called Abstract Noun. These nouns represent qualities, emotions, or states of being that exist in the mind or as principles.

जिस विचार को हम देख, सुन, स्पर्श, स्वाद या गंध नहीं कर सकते, उसे भाववाचक संज्ञा कहते हैं।



Love, Patience, Generosity, Progress, Courage, Freedom, Friendship, Charity, etc.

प्रेम, धैर्य, उदारता, प्रगति, साहस, स्वतंत्रता, मित्रता, परोपकार आदि|


Love: Love is an abstract noun that represents a deep feeling of affection and care towards someone or something. For example, “Their love for each other grew stronger every day.”

Patience: Patience is the ability to tolerate delays, difficulties, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. For instance, “She showed great patience while waiting in line.”

Generosity: Generosity is the quality of being kind, giving, and willing to share with others. An example sentence could be, “His generosity knew no bounds as he donated to charity regularly.”

Progress: Progress refers to the forward or onward movement towards a goal or improvement. For example, “The company made significant progress in increasing its profits.”

Courage: Courage is the ability to confront fear, danger, or adversity with bravery and determination. A sentence illustrating courage could be, “She summoned the courage to speak up for what she believed in.”

Freedom: Freedom is the state of being liberated from constraints or limitations, allowing individuals to act or express themselves without hindrance. For instance, “The freedom of speech is a fundamental right in many democratic societies.”

Friendship: Friendship is the bond of mutual affection, trust, and support between individuals. An example could be, “Their friendship remained strong despite the distance between them.”

Charity: Charity is the act of giving help, typically in the form of money, goods, or assistance, to those in need. For example, “They engaged in charity work by volunteering at the local shelter.”

Abstract nouns represent intangible qualities or ideas that shape human experiences and interactions. While they cannot be perceived through the senses, they play a significant role in defining emotions, values, and principles in our lives.

  1. Material Noun (पदार्थवाचक संज्ञा):

A Material Noun is used to describe the substance or material from which things are made. These nouns denote the physical matter or substance that forms the basis of various objects or entities.

यह सामग्री के लिए use किया जाता है जिससे चीजें बनाई जाती हैं।



Gold, Silver, Iron, Diamond, Plastic, Aluminium, etc.

सोना, चांदी, लोहा, हीरा,प्लास्टिक, एल्युमिनियम आदि।

 Gold: Gold is a material noun that refers to the precious metal used in jewelry and other valuable items. For example, “She wore a necklace made of gold.”

Silver: Silver is another material noun representing a valuable metal often used in coins, jewelry, and tableware. An example sentence could be, “The spoon was crafted from pure silver.”

Iron: Iron is a material noun denoting a strong, metallic element used in construction, manufacturing, and various industrial processes. For instance, “The bridge was constructed using iron beams.”

Diamond: Diamond is a material noun that refers to the hardest naturally occurring substance, often used in jewelry and cutting tools. A sentence illustrating this could be, “She admired the sparkle of the diamond ring.”

Plastic: Plastic is a versatile material noun derived from synthetic polymers, widely used in manufacturing various products such as containers, toys, and packaging materials. For example, “The bottle was made of recyclable plastic.”

Aluminium: Aluminium is a lightweight, silvery-white material noun used in a variety of applications, including construction, transportation, and packaging. An example sentence could be, “The window frames were made of aluminium for durability.”

Material nouns play a crucial role in defining the physical properties and characteristics of objects. They represent the basic building blocks from which various items are created, showcasing the diversity and utility of different materials in our daily lives.

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Understanding Singular and Plural Nouns

When we talk about nouns, we often need to consider whether they are singular or plural.

एकवचन शब्द एक चीज के बारे में बात करते हैं, जैसे “सेब”, जबकि बहुवचन शब्द एक से अधिक के बारे में बात करते हैं, जैसे “सेबों”.

Singular Nouns:

Singular nouns refer to one person, place, thing, or idea. For example, “fox,” “bill,” and “car” are all singular nouns.

Plural Nouns:

Plural nouns refer to more than one person, place, thing, or idea. For example, “foxes,” “bills,” and “cars” are all plural nouns.

Forming Plural Nouns:

In English, most singular nouns can become plural by adding -s or -es to the end of the word. 


Singular: “fox” Plural: “foxes”

Singular: “bill” Plural: “bills”

Singular: “car” Plural: “cars”


However, there are some exceptions. Some nouns change their spelling entirely, while others don’t change at all when they become plural.



Singular: “child” Plural: “children”

Singular: “foot” Plural: “feet”

Singular: “sheep” Plural: “sheep”

Understanding the concept of singular and plural nouns helps us use language accurately and effectively

Difference between countable and uncountable nouns


Countable Nouns:

Countable nouns are things you can count one by one. Like cats, books, or chairs. You can have one cat, two cats, three cats, and so on.

गिनने योग्य शब्द वह होते हैं जिन्हें हम गिन सकते हैं, जैसे “किताबें”


Cat – Singular: “I saw one cat in the garden.” – This means you saw just one cat.

Cats – Plural: “There are many cats playing outside.” – This means there are more than one cat.

Book – Singular: “She gave me a book to read.” – This means you have one book.

Books – Plural: “The library has lots of books.” – This means there are many books.

Chair – Singular: “Please bring a chair for the guest.” – This means you need one chair.

Chairs – Plural: “There are five chairs in the room.” – This means there are several chairs.

Uncountable Nouns:

Uncountable nouns are things you can’t count individually. They’re usually things you can’t separate or count in numbers, like water, love, or furniture.

अगिनने योग्य शब्द वह होते हैं जिन्हें हम अलग-अलग नहीं गिन सकते हैं, जैसे “पानी”


Water: “She drank a glass of water.” – While you can count glasses, you can’t count water itself.

“We need to save water.” – This means you need to save water as a whole, not count individual drops.

Love: “They have a lot of love for each other.” – Love is a feeling, you can’t count it like you count apples.

“Love makes people happy.” – This means love itself is what brings happiness, not a specific number of loves.

Furniture: “They bought some furniture for their house.” – Furniture is a collection of things, not individual items you count.

“The furniture in their room looks nice.” – This means all the furniture together looks good, not one particular piece.

Understanding the difference between countable and uncountable nouns helps us use them correctly in sentences.

Possessive Case:

In English, the possessive case is a grammatical form used to indicate ownership or possession. 


When we use the possessive case, we’re saying that one thing belongs to another. We usually add an apostrophe (‘) and an “s” (‘s) to the noun to show possession.

Possessive nouns दिखाते है कि कुछ किसी के पास है। उदाहरण के लिए, “Ram की गाड़ी” का अर्थ होता है कि गाड़ी Ram के पास है।


Example: “Shashi’s book is on the table.” – Here, the possessive form “Shashi’s” indicates that the book belongs to Shashi.

Example: “The dog’s tail shaked happily.” – In this sentence, “dog’s” indicates that the tail belongs to the dog.

Example: “My friend’s car is parked outside.” – Here, “friend’s” indicates that the car belongs to my friend.

Using the possessive case helps us clarify ownership or possession in sentences. It’s a fundamental aspect of English grammar that allows us to express relationships between people and things.

Nouns as Subjects:

In English grammar, nouns often serve as the subjects of sentences. The subject is the part of the sentence that performs the action or is described by the verb.


When a noun acts as the subject, it usually appears at the beginning of the sentence and is the focus of the action. The rest of the sentence provides details about what the subject is doing.

Sentence में कार्रवाई करने वाली noun को subject बोला जाता है। उदाहरण के लिए, “Paras दौड़ता है” में “Paras” subject है।


“The cat chased the mouse.” – In this sentence, “cat” is the subject because it is performing the action of chasing the mouse.

“Mary is reading a book.” – Here, “Mary” is the subject because she is the one performing the action of reading.

“The sun shines brightly.” – In this sentence, “sun” is the subject because it is the one shining.

Nouns as subjects help us understand who or what is performing the action in a sentence, making our communication clear and effective.

Nouns as Objects:

In sentences, nouns can play the role of objects, which means they’re the ones affected by the action. There are two types: direct objects and indirect objects.

Sentence में कार्रवाई करना object noun कहलाता है। उदाहरण के लिए, “वह किताब पढ़ती है” में “किताब” object है।


Direct Object: This noun receives the action directly from the verb. 

Example: “The cat chased the mouse.” – Here, “mouse” is the direct object because it’s the one being chased by the cat.

Indirect Object: This noun receives the action indirectly, usually after a preposition like “to” or “for.” It answers the questions “to whom” or “for whom.”

Example: “Mary gave John a gift.” – In this sentence, “John” is the indirect object because he’s the one receiving the gift indirectly from Mary.

Understanding nouns as objects helps us see who or what is being affected by the action in a sentence, making our writing and speaking clearer and more precise.

Nouns as Subject and Object Complements:

In English grammar, nouns can function as subject and object complements, providing additional information about the subject or object of a sentence.

Sentence में subject या object के बारे में ज्यादा जानकारी देने वाली संज्ञाएँ complement कहलाती हैं।


Subject Complement: A noun that follows a linking verb and renames or describes the subject is called a subject complement. It helps to identify or describe the subject.

Example: “He is a doctor.” – In this sentence, “doctor” is the subject complement because it renames the subject “he” and describes his profession.

Object Complement: A noun that follows and modifies the direct object, providing additional information about it, is called an object complement. It adds detail to the direct object.

Example: “They elected her president.” – Here, “president” is the object complement because it describes the direct object “her” and provides more information about her role.

Understanding nouns as subject and object complements helps to provide clarity and depth to sentences by adding descriptive information about the subject or object.

Nouns as Appositives:

In English grammar, nouns can serve as appositives, which are words or phrases placed next to another noun to provide further identification or clarification.

Sentence में किसी दूसरी noun के बारे में नाम या वर्णन करने वाली संज्ञाएँ appositives कहलाती हैं।


Appositive: An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that follows another noun in a sentence and provides additional information about it. It helps to define, describe, or specify the noun it follows.

Example: “My sister, the artist, painted a beautiful landscape.” – In this sentence, “the artist” is the appositive because it gives more detail about “my sister.”

Function: Appositives help to provide clarity and detail by offering additional information or context about a noun. They can describe the noun more specifically or give essential details that help the reader understand it better.

Understanding nouns as appositives enables writers to add richness and precision to their sentences by providing extra information about the nouns they use. This enhances the overall clarity and effectiveness of communication.

Nouns as Modifiers:

In English grammar, nouns can function as modifiers, which means they are used to describe or provide more information about another noun in a sentence.

Sentence में किसी दूसरी संज्ञा के बारे में वर्णन या अधिक जानकारी देने वाली संज्ञाएँ modifiers कहलाती हैं।


Modifier: A modifier is a word or phrase that adds detail or description to another word in a sentence. When a noun acts as a modifier, it helps specify or clarify the meaning of another noun.

Example: “The car door” – Here, “car” is a noun acting as a modifier to describe the type of door. It tells us that the door belongs to or is associated with a car.

Function: Nouns as modifiers help to specify or limit the meaning of another noun by providing additional details or context. They can indicate possession, relationship, or categorization between nouns.

Understanding nouns as modifiers allows for more precise and descriptive language, enhancing the clarity and specificity of communication.

Frequently Asked Questions About Noun


Question 1: What are nouns?

Answer: Nouns are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas. 

Question 2: How do you identify a noun in a sentence?

Answer: You can identify a noun by looking for words that represent people, places, animals, things, or ideas. For example, in the sentence “The cat is sleeping,” “cat” is a noun.

Question 3: What is the difference between proper nouns and common nouns?

Answer: Proper nouns refer to specific names of people, places, or things and are capitalized, while common nouns refer to general names and are not capitalized unless they appear at the beginning of a sentence.

Question 4: Can a noun be plural?

Answer: Yes, nouns can be singular (referring to one person, place, thing, or idea) or plural (referring to more than one). For example, “cat” is singular, while “cats” is plural.

Question 5: What is the possessive form of a noun?

Answer: The possessive form of a noun shows ownership or relationship. It is formed by adding an apostrophe and “s” (‘s) to the noun, such as “Rohan’s car” or “the dog’s bone.”

Question 6: What are subject and object complements?

Answer: Subject complements provide more information about the subject of a sentence, while object complements provide additional details about the object. They help to further describe or identify the subject or object.

Question 7: What is an appositive?

Answer: An appositive is a noun or noun phrase placed next to another noun to provide additional information or clarification about it. It helps to define, describe, or specify the noun it follows.

Question 8: How do nouns function as modifiers?

Answer: Nouns can act as modifiers by providing additional details or description to another noun in a sentence. They help to specify or clarify the meaning of the noun they modify.


In conclusion, nouns are like labels that we use to name people, places, things, or ideas. They help us tell stories and share information by giving us words to describe what we see, touch, or think about. Understanding nouns means knowing how to use these labels properly, which makes our writing and speaking clearer and easier to understand. So, by learning about nouns, we become better at expressing ourselves and sharing our ideas with others.


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