In today’s fast-paced digital world, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. Whether it’s sharing our thoughts, connecting with friends, or staying updated with the latest trends, mastering the art of using trendy phrases and words is essential. Incorporating popular terms like “Ghost Mode,” “Swipe Right,” and “Throwing Shade” into your vocabulary not only makes you sound more fluent but also helps you stay relevant in conversations. If you’re looking to enhance your communication skills and become more confident in using such trendy phrases, joining a spoken English course can be a great way to boost your fluency and keep up with the ever-evolving language of social media.
Trendy words related to Social Media
Let’s check out some cool and trendy words that are popular on social media. These will make your vocabulary more fun and up-to-date.
1. Lit
Hindi Meaning: बहुत मजेदार
English Meaning: Extremely Exciting
Example: “The concert last night was lit!”
2. Ghosting
Hindi Meaning: अचानक से बात बंद कर देना
English Meaning: Suddenly Cutting Off Communication
Example: “He started ghosting me after the second date.”
3. Binge-watch
Hindi Meaning: एक साथ कई episode देखना
English Meaning: Watching Multiple Episodes At Once
Example: “I binge-watched the entire series over the weekend.”
4. Vibe
Hindi Meaning: माहौल या एहसास
English Meaning: Atmosphere/Feeling
Example: “This place has such a chill vibe.”
5. Cringe
Hindi Meaning: असहज महसूस करना
English Meaning: Feeling Embarrassed
Example: “His joke was so bad, I cringed.”
6. Influencer
Hindi Meaning: प्रभाव डालने वाला व्यक्ति
English Meaning: Someone Who Influences Others
Example: “She is a well-known fashion influencer.”
7. Throwback
Hindi Meaning: पुरानी याद
English Meaning: A Reminder Of The Past
Example: “This is a throwback to our school days.”
8. Low-key
Hindi Meaning: थोड़ा शांत
English Meaning: Subtle, Not Over The Top
Example: “I prefer a low-key weekend at home.”
9. Flex
Hindi Meaning: दिखावा करना
English Meaning: To Show Off
Example: “He’s always flexing his new gadgets.”
10. Simp
Hindi Meaning: किसी के लिए बहुत कुछ करना
English Meaning: Someone Who Does Too Much For Someone They Like
Example: “He’s simping so hard for her.”
11. Cancelled
Hindi Meaning: boycott करना
English Meaning: Rejected Or Boycotted
Example: “That celebrity is cancelled after the scandal.”
12. Spill the Tea
Hindi Meaning: Gossip करना
English Meaning: To Share Gossip
Example: “Come over and spill the tea!”
13. Glow-Up
Hindi Meaning: सुधरना
English Meaning: Transformation For The Better
Example: “She had a major glow-up over the summer.”
14. Salty
Hindi Meaning: नाराज
English Meaning: Bitter Or Annoyed
Example: “He’s salty about losing the game.”
15. Noob
Hindi Meaning: नया या नौसिखिया
English Meaning: Beginner, Not Skilled
Example: “I’m such a noob at this game.”
16. Ship
Hindi Meaning: रिश्ता जोड़ना
English Meaning: To Support A Relationship
Example: “I totally ship them together.”
17. Suss
Hindi Meaning: शक करना
English Meaning: Suspicious
Example: “That offer seems a bit suss.”
18. Troll
Hindi Meaning: तंग करना
English Meaning: To Mock Or Tease Online
Example: “He got trolled hard for his comment.”
19. Adulting
Hindi Meaning: जिम्मेदार बनना
English Meaning: Acting Like An Adult
Example: “Adulting is tough, but we’re managing.”
20. Thirsty
Hindi Meaning: Attention पाने की चाहत
English Meaning: Desperate For Attention
Example: “That post was a bit thirsty.”
21. Boujee
Hindi Meaning: महंगा या शाही
English Meaning: Luxurious Or Fancy
Example: “They went to such a boujee restaurant.”
22. Woke
Hindi Meaning: जागरूक होना
English Meaning: Socially Aware
Example: “She’s so woke about environmental issues.”
23. Epic
Hindi Meaning: बहुत बढ़िया
English Meaning: Extraordinary
Example: “That movie was epic!”
24. Yeet
Hindi Meaning: जोर से फेंकना
English Meaning: To Throw With Force
Example: “He just yeeted the ball across the field.”
25. Shook
Hindi Meaning: हैरान होना
English Meaning: Shocked Or Surprised
Example: “I was totally shook by the news.”
26. VSCO girl
Hindi Meaning: Fashionable लड़की
English Meaning: A Type Of Trendy Teenage Girl
Example: “She’s such a VSCO girl with her scrunchies.”
27. Slaps
Hindi Meaning: बहुत अच्छा
English Meaning: Extremely Good
Example: “This song really slaps!”
28. Dead
Hindi Meaning: बहुत हंसना
English Meaning: Laughing Very Hard
Example: “That joke had me dead.”
29. Whip
Hindi Meaning: गाड़ी
English Meaning: Car
Example: “Check out his new whip.”
30. Cap
Hindi Meaning: झूठ बोलना
English Meaning: To Lie
Example: “That story sounds like cap.”
31. Karen
Hindi Meaning: अधिकार जताने वाली महिला
English Meaning: An Entitled Woman
Example: “She’s being such a Karen.”
32. Receipts
Hindi Meaning: सबूत
English Meaning: Evidence
Example: “Show me the receipts if you’re telling the truth.”
33. Dope
Hindi Meaning: बहुत अच्छा
English Meaning: Really Cool
Example: “That outfit is dope!”
Trendy phrases related to Social Media
Now, let’s look at some catchy phrases that everyone’s using online. These simple expressions will keep your conversations fresh and interesting.
1. Ghosting Your Messages
Hindi Meaning: संदेशों को नजरअंदाज करना
English Meaning: Ignoring someone’s messages
Example: “He’s been ghosting your messages all week.”
2. Slide into DMs
Hindi Meaning: DM में संदेश भेजना
English Meaning: Sending someone a direct message
Example: “She slid into my DMs yesterday.”
3. Throwing Shade Online
Hindi Meaning: छुपकर बुराई करना
English Meaning: Subtly criticizing someone online
Example: “Stop throwing shade online; it’s not cool.”
4. Catch the Feels
Hindi Meaning: भावनाएं develop करना
English Meaning: Developing romantic feelings
Example: “I didn’t expect to catch the feels so quickly.”
5. On a Break
Hindi Meaning: थोड़े समय के लिए दूर रहना
English Meaning: Taking a temporary pause or break
Example: “We’re on a break from social media.”
6. Swipe Left
Hindi Meaning: अस्वीकृत करना
English Meaning: To reject or pass on something or someone
Example: “I had to swipe left on that job offer.”
7. Social Media Detox
Hindi Meaning: Social media से दूरी बनाना
English Meaning: Taking a break from social media
Example: “I’m doing a social media detox this weekend.”
8. Going Viral Fast
Hindi Meaning: तेजी से viral होना
English Meaning: Spreading quickly online
Example: “That video is going viral fast!”
9. Clout Chasing Hard
Hindi Meaning: प्रसिद्धि के पीछे भागना
English Meaning: Doing something just for attention
Example: “He’s clout chasing hard with those posts.”
10. Mood Booster Songs
Hindi Meaning: Mood को सुधारने वाले गाने
English Meaning: Songs that improve your mood
Example: “These mood booster songs always help.”
11. Content is King
Hindi Meaning: Content सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है
English Meaning: High-quality content is key to success
Example: “Remember, content is king on social media.”
12. Double Tap Required
Hindi Meaning: दो बार tap करना जरूरी
English Meaning: Asking someone to like a post by tapping twice
Example: “This photo is double tap required!”
13. No Filter Needed
Hindi Meaning: बिना filter की तस्वीर
English Meaning: A picture that doesn’t need any enhancements
Example: “That view is so beautiful, no filter needed.”
14. Squad Goals Achieved
Hindi Meaning: आदर्श मित्र समूह का लक्ष्य पूरा
English Meaning: When a friend group meets their ideal goals
Example: “Our vacation pics are total squad goals achieved.”
15. FOMO Hitting Hard
Hindi Meaning: छूट जाने का डर
English Meaning: Strong fear of missing out
Example: “Seeing everyone at the event, FOMO is hitting hard.”
16. Living My Best Life
Hindi Meaning: अपने जीवन का सबसे अच्छा समय जीना
English Meaning: Living in a way that makes you happiest
Example: “I’m just living my best life this summer.”
17. Going Insta Live
Hindi Meaning: Instagram पर live होना
English Meaning: Streaming live on Instagram
Example: “I’m going Insta live tonight to chat.”
18. Content Creator Life
Hindi Meaning: Content creator का जीवन
English Meaning: The lifestyle of a content creator
Example: “This is the content creator life I dreamed of.”
19. In My Feels
Hindi Meaning: भावुक होना
English Meaning: Being deep in emotions
Example: “This movie has me in my feels.”
20. Level Up Game
Hindi Meaning: खेल में उन्नति करना
English Meaning: Improving or advancing
Example: “Time to level up my game.”
21. Throwback Thursday Post
Hindi Meaning: गुरुवार को पुरानी यादों की post
English Meaning: Sharing old memories on Thursdays
Example: “Here’s my throwback Thursday post from our trip.”
22. Follow for Follow
Hindi Meaning: एक-दूसरे को follow करना
English Meaning: An agreement to follow each other on social media
Example: “Let’s do a follow for follow!”
23. Trend Setter
Hindi Meaning: रुझानों को स्थापित करने वाला
English Meaning: Someone who starts new trends
Example: “She’s such a trend setter with her style.”
24. Insta Famous
Hindi Meaning: Instagram पर मशहूर
English Meaning: Gaining fame through Instagram
Example: “She became Insta famous after that viral post.”
25. Hit the Gram
Hindi Meaning: Instagram पर कुछ post करना
English Meaning: Posting something on Instagram
Example: “Can’t wait to hit the gram with these photos.”
26. Snap Streaks Going
Hindi Meaning: Snapchat streak बनाए रखना
English Meaning: Maintaining a Snapchat streak
Example: “We’ve got our snap streaks going strong!”
27. Late Night Scroll
Hindi Meaning: रात में social media देखना
English Meaning: Browsing social media late at night
Example: “Guilty of the late night scroll again.”
28. Digital Detox
Hindi Meaning: Digital detox करना
English Meaning: Taking a break from digital devices
Example: “I need a digital detox this weekend.”
29. Feed Goals
Hindi Meaning: Instagram feed को सुन्दर बनाना
English Meaning: Having an aesthetically pleasing Instagram feed
Example: “Her profile is total feed goals.”
30. Hustle Harder
Hindi Meaning: और कड़ी मेहनत करना
English Meaning: Putting in more effort to achieve success
Example: “It’s time to hustle harder for that dream.”
31. Late Post
Hindi Meaning: देर से post करना
English Meaning: Posting something after the actual event
Example: “Sorry for the late post, but I had to share!”
32. Weekend Vibes
Hindi Meaning: Weekend की खुशियाँ
English Meaning: The relaxed or fun atmosphere of the weekend
Example: “Loving these weekend vibes with friends.”
33. Instagram Ready
Hindi Meaning: Instagram पर post करने के लिए तैयार
English Meaning: Prepared to take or post a perfect picture on Instagram
Example: “This outfit is so Instagram ready.”
34. Insta Story Time
Hindi Meaning: Insta पर story डालने का समय
English Meaning: Time to share something on Instagram stories
Example: “It’s Insta story time, let’s capture the moment.”
35. Live Streaming Now
Hindi Meaning: अभी live streaming हो रही है
English Meaning: Broadcasting live video online
Example: “I’m live streaming now, join me!”
36. Filter Game Strong
Hindi Meaning: Filter का अच्छा use करना
English Meaning: Using filters effectively to enhance photos
Example: “Her filter game is always strong.”
37. FanGirling Hard
Hindi Meaning: किसी से बहुत प्रभावित होना
English Meaning: Being overly enthusiastic about someone
Example: “She was fan girling hard at the concert.”
38. Snap and Share
Hindi Meaning: Photo खींचकर share करना
English Meaning: Taking a photo and sharing it immediately
Example: “Snap and share, this moment is too good to miss.”
39. Content Curation
Hindi Meaning: Content का collection और organization
English Meaning: The process of collecting and organizing content
Example: “Her content curation skills are top-notch.”
40. Selfie Game Strong
Hindi Meaning: शानदार selfie लेना
English Meaning: Taking great selfies consistently
Example: “Your selfie game is so strong!”
Unique and Fancy Useful Sentences perfect for Social Media
Lastly, let’s explore some useful sentences that are perfect for social media. These everyday lines will help you sound more natural and in tune with today’s trends.
English: “I can’t believe he ghosted me after such a long conversation.”
Hindi: “इतनी लंबी बात के बाद उसने मुझे ignore कर दिया, विश्वास नहीं हो रहा।”
English: “I knew it wasn’t going to work out, so I just swiped left.”
Hindi: “मुझे पता था कि ये काम नहीं करेगा, इसलिए मैंने बस swipe left कर दिया।”
English: “He’s only doing that for the clout.”
Hindi: “वह सिर्फ popularity के लिए ऐसा कर रहा है।”
English: “He’s always simping over her posts.”
Hindi: “वह हमेशा उसकी posts के लिए दीवाना रहता है।”
English: “Why does she always have to flex her new stuff online?”
Hindi: “वह हमेशा अपनी नई चीज़ें online क्यों दिखाती रहती है?”
English: “This place has such a chill vibe!”
Hindi: “यहां की vibe सच में बहुत cool है!”
English: “She absolutely slayed that look!”
Hindi: “उसने वह लुक पूरी तरह से rock कर दिया!”
English: “I totally stan that new artist.”
Hindi: “मैं उस नए artist का बहुत बड़ा fan हूँ।”
English: “Her glow-up since last year is unreal.”
Hindi: “पिछले साल से उसका बदलाव सच में कमाल का है।”
English: “I’m getting FOMO seeing all these event posts.”
Hindi: “इन event posts को देखकर मुझे FOMO हो रहा है।”
English: “He’s really woke about social issues.”
Hindi: “वह सामाजिक मुद्दों के बारे में बहुत जागरूक है।”
English: “I was totally shook after seeing that news.”
Hindi: “वह खबर देखकर मैं पूरी तरह से हैरान हो गया।”
English: “I’m lowkey obsessed with this new app.”
Hindi: “मुझे ये नया app अंदर ही अंदर बहुत पसंद आ रहा है।”
English: “That was definitely a thirst trap post.”
Hindi: “वह post साफ तौर पर attention पाने के लिए थी।”
English: “That video went viral in just a few hours!”
Hindi: “वह video सिर्फ कुछ घंटों में viral हो गया!”
English: “She brought the receipts to prove her point.”
Hindi: “उसने अपने पक्ष को साबित करने के लिए सबूत दिखाए।”
English: “He tried to slide into my DMs last night.”
Hindi: “कल रात उसने मेरे DM में घुसने की कोशिश की।”
English: “This party needs a serious vibe check.”
Hindi: “इस party को सही में एक vibe check की जरूरत है।”
English: “He looked like a total snack in that photo.”
Hindi: “उस photo में वह पूरा कमाल का लग रहा था।”
English: “She really dragged him in the comments.”
Hindi: “उसने उसे comments में बुरी तरह से धो दिया।”
English: “He loves to flex his new gadgets.”
Hindi: “उसे अपने नए gadgets दिखाना बहुत पसंद है।”
English: “I had to unfollow them; their posts were too much.”
Hindi: “मुझे उन्हें unfollow करना पड़ा; उनकी posts बहुत ज्यादा हो रही थीं।”
English: “I stan her fashion sense.”
Hindi: “मैं उसके fashion sense का दीवाना हूँ।”
English: “Just hanging out with bae today.”
Hindi: “आज बस अपने special के साथ समय बिता रहा हूँ।”
English: “Her clapback was so on point!”
Hindi: “उसका जवाब सच में बहुत शानदार था!”
English: “That was a savage response!”
Hindi: “वह बहुत ही धाकड़ जवाब था!”
English: “She only shares her real life on her finsta.”
Hindi: “वह अपनी असली जिंदगी की बातें सिर्फ अपने finsta पर share करती है।”
English: “I’ve been stanning that series for years.”
Hindi: “मैं उस series का सालों से fan हूँ।”
English: “Come on, spill the tea already!”
Hindi: “चलो, अब सारी बातें बता दो!”
English: “I’m going to binge-watch the entire season.”
Hindi: “मैं पूरा season एक ही बार में देखने वाला हूँ।”
English: “He just yeeted that ball across the field!”
Hindi: “उसने वह ball पूरी ताकत से फेंक दी!”
English: “This new song has so much hype!”
Hindi: “इस नए गाने के लिए बहुत उत्साह है!”
English: “She’s the G.O.A.T. of tennis.”
Hindi: “वह tennis की सबसे महान खिलाड़ी है।”
English: “Do you have any tea about the party?”
Hindi: “Party के बारे में कोई दिलचस्प बात है?”
Mastering trendy social media phrases and words can significantly enhance your communication in the digital age. These expressions not only make your conversations more engaging but also help you connect better with others in online spaces. By incorporating these terms into your daily language, you can effortlessly navigate the world of social media with ease and confidence. And if you’re eager to take your language skills to the next level, enrolling in a spoken English course can provide the perfect foundation to improve your fluency and make you a more effective communicator in both online and offline interactions.
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