30 Words to Use Instead of ‘But’ in English Sentences

While speaking in English, we often use ‘but this’, ‘but that’, etc., to express our contradiction, opposition or contrast in views. Don’t you think it gets too monotonous every time, while you are approaching the upper level, you must know some advanced English alternatives. In this blog, we will be sharing with you some advanced English words to use instead of ‘but’ to start a sentence. Now you don’t have to look for words to use instead of ‘but’. This blog covers 30 words to use instead of but that can be used in an English sentence


  1. However

Use: Conveys a contrast or opposition.

Example: Khushi wanted to go, however, her schedule didn’t allow it.

                 ख़ुशी जाना चाहती थी, हालाँकि, उसके schedule ने इसकी इजाज़त नहीं दी।


  1. Yet

Use: Indicates a contradiction or unexpected outcome.

Example: The concert was sold out, yet they managed to get tickets.

                  Concert के सारे tickets बिक गए थे, फिर भी वे ticket पाने में कामयाब रहे।


  1. Nevertheless

Use: Acknowledges a counterpoint but emphasizes the main point.

Example: The weather was bad; nevertheless, they went for a walk.

                  मौसम खराब था; फिर भी, वे टहलने गए।


  1. Though 

Use: Introduces a concession or contrast.

Example: Though it was late, she decided to finish the project.

                    हालाँकि देर हो चुकी थी, लेकिन उसने project को पूरा करने का फैसला किया।


  1. Although 

Use: Expresses a contrast or concession.

Example: Although it was raining, they went for a hike.

                हालांकि बारिश हो रही थी, लेकिन वे hiking के लिए गए।


  1. Still 

Use: Introduces a contrasting or surprising element.

Example: Shivam failed the test, but still he got an A in the class.

                 शिवम test में fail हो गया, लेकिन फिर भी उसे class में A मिला।


  1. On the other hand 

Use: Presents an alternative perspective or contrasting idea.

Example: Akash loves dogs; on the other hand, his sister is afraid of them.

                   आकाश को कुत्तों से प्यार है; दूसरी ओर, उसकी बहन कुत्तों से डरती है।


  1. Conversely

Use: Expresses an opposite or contrasting viewpoint.

Example: Some people enjoy spicy food; conversely, others prefer mild flavours.

                 कुछ लोग मसालेदार खाना पसंद करते हैं; इसके विपरीत, बाक़ी लोग कम मसाले वाला हल्का खाना पसंद करते हैं।


  1. Nonetheless 

Use: Acknowledges a counterpoint but maintains the main point.

Example: The car broke down; nonetheless, they reached their destination on time.

                 Car खराब हो गई; बहरहाल, वे समय पर अपने destination पर पहुंच गए।


  1. In contrast 

Use: Highlights a comparison or difference.

Example: The old house had a rustic charm, in contrast to the modern apartment.

                  पुराने घर में modern apartment के मुक़ाबले rustic charm था।


  1. In spite of 

Use: Acknowledges a contrary situation or obstacle.

Example: In spite of the rain, they had a great time at the beach.

                 बारिश के बावजूद उन्होंने beach पर खूब मस्ती की।


  1. Regardless 

Use: Indicates that something will happen despite any obstacles.

Example: They decided to continue regardless of the road being closed. 

                 उन्होंने सड़क बंद होने के बावजूद आगे बढ़ने का फैसला किया। 


  1. Instead 

Use: Suggests an alternative or replacement.

Example: I don’t want to go to the party, instead, I’ll stay home and watch a movie.

                   मैं party में नहीं जाना चाहता, इसके बजाय, मैं घर पर रहूंगा और एक movie देखूंगा।


  1. Whereas

Use: Compares or contrasts two different things or ideas.

Example: Sumit enjoys action movies, whereas his sister prefers romantic comedies.

               सुमित action movies पसंद करता है, जबकि उसकी बहन romantic comedy पसंद करती है।


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  1. In any case 

Use: Implies that something is true regardless of other factors.           

Example: The food was expensive; in any case, it was worth it.

                   खाना महंगा था; लेकिन किसी भी मामले में, वह worth it था।


  1. Despite

Use: Indicates that something happens regardless of a preceding situation.

Example: Despite the challenges, they succeeded in completing the project.

                   चुनौतियों के बावजूद वे project को पूरा करने में सफल रहे।


  1. Alternatively

Use: Suggests another option or possibility.

Example: They could go by car, alternatively, they could take the train.

                   वे car से जा सकते थे, या इसके अलावा, वे train ले सकते थे।


  1. In any event 

Use: Indicates that something will happen regardless of circumstances.

Example: The seminar may be postponed; in any event, we need to be prepared.

                 Seminar postpone हो सकता है; लेकिन किसी भी सूरत में हमें तैयार रहने की ज़रूरत है।


  1. Be that as it may 

Use: Acknowledges a counterpoint but proceeds with the main argument.

Example: The weather is bad; be that as it may, we should still go hiking.

                   मौसम खराब है; लेकिन हमें फिर भी hiking पर जाना चाहिये।


  1. Nonetheless

Use: Acknowledges a counterpoint but maintains the main point.

Example: The car broke down; nonetheless, they reached their destination on time.

                 Car खराब हो गई; बहरहाल, वे समय पर अपने destination पर पहुंच गए।


  1. That being said 

Use: Acknowledges a preceding point but introduces a contrasting viewpoint.

Example: The food is expensive; that being said, the quality is outstanding.

                  खाना महंगा है; लेकिन quality लाजवाब है।


  1. At the same time 

Use: Introduces a contrasting or simultaneous idea.

Example: Shushant is a successful businessman, at the same time, he spends quality time with his family.

                   शुशांत एक successful businessman हैं, लेकिन साथ ही वह अपने परिवार के साथ quality time बिताया करते हैं।


  1. All the same 

Use: Acknowledges a counterpoint but asserts the main point.

Example: The book received mixed reviews; all the same, it became a bestseller.

                 किताब को mixed reviews मिली लेकिन फिर भी, यह bestseller बन गई।


  1. Having said that

Use: Acknowledges a preceding statement but introduces a contrasting viewpoint.

Example: The job is challenging, having said that, it provides great growth opportunities.

                  नौकरी चुनौतियों से भरी है, लेकिन ऐसा कहा जाता है कि, यह growth के लिए great opportunities offer करती है।


  1. On the flip side 

Use: Introduces a contrasting or opposite aspect.

Example: The movie received critical acclaim; on the flip side, it didn’t perform well at the box office.

                   Movie को critical acclaim मिला; लेकिन दूसरी तरफ, इसने box office पर अच्छा प्रदर्शन नहीं किया।


  1. Notwithstanding

Use: Introduces a contrasting element or exception.

Example: The results were impressive, notwithstanding the limited resources.

                 सीमित resources के बावजूद results प्रभावशाली रहे।


  1. Even so 

Use: Acknowledges a counterpoint but maintains the main argument.

Example: The experiment didn’t yield the expected results, even so, it provided valuable insights.

                   Experiment ने expected results नहीं दिए, फिर भी इसने valuable insights प्रदान किये।


  1. On the contrary 

Use: Introduces a contrasting viewpoint or idea.

Example: Shivang is not lazy; on the contrary, he works very hard.

                  शिवांग आलसी नहीं है; बल्कि वह बहुत मेहनत करता है।


  1. Then again 

Use: Acknowledges a preceding point but introduces a contrasting or different perspective.

Example: The dress is expensive, then again, it’s made with high-quality materials.

                  Dress महंगी है, दूसरी ओर, यह high-quality वाले material के साथ बनाई गई है।


  1. That said 

Use: Acknowledges a preceding point but introduces a contrasting viewpoint.

Example: The service was slow; that said, the food was delicious.

                    सेवा धीमी थी; लेकिन खाना स्वादिष्ट था।



We hope now you have learnt some advanced English words to use instead of ‘but’ to start a sentence. These alternatives will help you in learning advanced English and becoming a fluent English speaker rapidly. These words to use instead of ‘but’ will help you with many alternatives for ‘but’ which will help you in learning advanced English faster. If you want to learn English online and are searching for some best English-speaking courses online, we have a great opportunity for you. You can join Awal sir’s spoken English course now, and learn English from beginner to advanced level efficiently. Learn What to Use Instead of ‘Because’ in a Sentence here.

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