
अंग्रेजी में अपनी राय कैसे दे? How To Give Your Opinion in English?

Everyone in this world has the right to give their opinion and if you are able to do so in English, people listen to you more, when compared to speaking in your mother tongue. After watching this online Hindi to English learning video lesson, you will be able to do so with the utmost ease. Just keep on practicing and move towards your goal of speaking fluent English with discipline.


Have you ever wanted to tell someone what you think about something? Well, we all have our ideas and opinions, and it’s cool to share them, right? Imagine you’re talking to a friend and you want to say, “I think this is a good idea.” But guess what? There are lots of interesting ways to say the same thing! In this collection, we’ve got some awesome phrases that you can use to give your opinion. It’s like having a bunch of colorful crayons to draw your thoughts with! From saying “I feel” to “If you ask me,” these phrases help you express yourself in cool new ways. So, let’s dive into this collection and discover how to add some flair to your opinions!

Phrases हमें बताते हैं कि हम अपने ख्यालों को कैसे दूसरों के साथ बांट सकते हैं। यहाँ हमने कुछ खास शब्द दिए हैं जिनका इस्तेमाल करके हम अपनी राय को अच्छे तरीके से बता सकते हैं। इन phrases के साथ नए तरीके से अपने विचारों की जानकारी दें!


  1. I feel

Hindi Meaning: मुझे लगता है

English Meaning: I have a belief or impression

Example: I feel that the team is well-prepared for the upcoming match.


  1. I would say

Hindi Meaning: मैं कहूँगी

English Meaning: I am inclined to state

Example: Considering the circumstances, I would say it’s best to wait a little longer.


  1. I think

Hindi Meaning: मेरे ख़याल से

English Meaning: I believe

Example: I think we should consider all options before making a decision.


  1. If you ask me

Hindi Meaning: अगर आप मुझसे पूछें

English Meaning: In my view

Example: If you ask me, this recipe is the best one we’ve tried so far.


  1. The way I see it

Hindi Meaning: मेरे खयाल से

English Meaning: From my perspective

Example: The way I see it, we need to prioritize safety over convenience.


  1. As far as I am concerned

Hindi Meaning: जहाँ तक मेरा सवाल है

English Meaning: In my opinion

Example: As far as I am concerned, this project is ready for presentation.


  1. Please don’t mind

Hindi Meaning: बुरा मत मानना

English Meaning: Please don’t take offense

Example: Please don’t mind my honesty, but I think there’s room for improvement.


  1. I am utterly convinced

Hindi Meaning: मुझे पूरा यकीन है

English Meaning: I am completely sure

Example: I am utterly convinced that this plan will lead us to success.


  1. If you ask for my say

Hindi Meaning: अगर आप मेरी राय पूछते हैं

English Meaning: If you seek my opinion

Example: If you ask for my say, I suggest reevaluating the pricing strategy.


  1. In my opinion

Hindi Meaning: मेरी राय में

English Meaning: In my judgment

Example: In my opinion, the movie was a bit too long and could have been shorter.


  1. According to me

Hindi Meaning: मेरे हिसाब से

English Meaning: In my viewpoint

Example: According to me, the policy needs to be revised to better suit current needs.


  1. I reckon

Hindi Meaning: मेरा ख्याल है

English Meaning: I believe or think

Example: I reckon we’ll finish the project ahead of schedule if we continue at this pace.


  1. From my point of view

Hindi Meaning: मेरे नज़रिये से

English Meaning: Based on how I see things

Example: From my point of view, this decision is the most logical one.


  1. It seems to me

Hindi Meaning: मुझे ऐसा लगता है

English Meaning: I have the impression

Example: It seems to me that the company is heading in a positive direction.


  1. In my book

Hindi Meaning: मेरी किताब में

English Meaning: According to my beliefs or values

Example: Honesty is a top priority in my book.


  1. As I understand it

Hindi Meaning: जैसा मुझे समझ में आया

English Meaning: According to my understanding

Example: As I understand it, the meeting has been rescheduled for tomorrow.


  1. My take on it

Hindi Meaning: मेरी राय

English Meaning: My perspective

Example: Let me share my take on it – I think we should explore alternative solutions.


  1. In my humble opinion (IMHO)

Hindi Meaning: मेरी विनम्र राय में

English Meaning: In my respectful view

Example: In my humble opinion, the proposal needs further refinement.


  1. I believe that

Hindi Meaning: मेरी विश्वास है कि

English Meaning: I firmly believe that

Example: I believe that hard work is the key to success.


  1. To my way of thinking

Hindi Meaning: मेरी सोच के अनुसार

English Meaning: From my perspective

Example: To my way of thinking, this course of action is the most sensible.


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  1. The way it appears to me

Hindi Meaning: जिस तरह से यह मुझे दिखाई देता है

English Meaning: How it looks from my point of view

Example: The way it appears to me, we need to prioritize quality over quantity.


  1. To tell you what I think

Hindi Meaning: मेरा ख्याल है कि मैं आपको यह बताऊँ

English Meaning: To share my opinion with you

Example: To tell you what I think, we should explore more cost-effective solutions.


  1. The way I interpret it

Hindi Meaning: जिस तरीक़े से मैं समझती हूँ।

English Meaning: How I understand it

Example: The way I interpret it, the data suggests a different outcome.


  1. I hold the view that

Hindi Meaning: मेरा यह मानना ​​है

English Meaning: I maintain the opinion that

Example: I hold the view that teamwork is crucial for achieving our goals.


  1. In my educated opinion

Hindi Meaning: मेरी समझ के अनुसार

English Meaning: Based on my informed perspective

Example: In my educated opinion, this policy needs to be updated.


  1. I’m under the impression

Hindi Meaning: मेरा ख्याल है कि

English Meaning: I have a feeling or belief

Example: I’m under the impression that the event is scheduled for next Saturday.


  1. In my eyes

Hindi Meaning: मेरी आँखों में

English Meaning: From my viewpoint

Example: In my eyes, he is the best candidate for the job.


  1. I’d suggest that

Hindi Meaning: मैं सुझाव देता हूँ कि

English Meaning: I recommend that

Example: I’d suggest that we explore alternative solutions to the problem.


  1. As someone who

Hindi Meaning: जैसे कि कोई व्यक्ति

English Meaning: Speaking from the perspective of someone who

Example: As someone who has experience in this field, I believe this approach is worth considering.


  1. To my mind

Hindi Meaning: मेरे ख्याल से

English Meaning: In my opinion

Example: To my mind, the new policy will greatly benefit our employees.


  1. As I see it

Hindi Meaning: जैसा की मैं देख पा रही हूँ

English Meaning: From my perspective

Example: As I see it, the project timeline needs to be adjusted to meet the deadline.


  1. It is my view that

Hindi Meaning: यह मेरा विचार है

English Meaning: I believe that

Example: It is my view that teamwork plays a crucial role in achieving success.


  1. In my personal opinion

Hindi Meaning: मेरा ख्याल है:

English Meaning: From my viewpoint

Example: In my personal opinion, the product design could be more user-friendly.


  1. To give you my honest opinion

Hindi Meaning:  मैं अपनी सच्ची राय देना चाहूँगी

English Meaning: To be candid with you

Example: To give you my honest opinion, I think the presentation needs more visuals.


  1. My personal feeling on this is

Hindi Meaning: मुझे ऐसा लगता है

English Meaning: How I feel is

Example: My personal feeling on this is that the company should invest in research.


  1. From where I stand

Hindi Meaning: मेरे नजरिये से देखते हुए

English Meaning: From my position

Example: From where I stand, it’s clear that we need to prioritize quality.


  1. As someone who’s been through it

Hindi Meaning: जैसे कि वो व्यक्ति जिसने उसे झेला हो

English Meaning: Speaking from personal experience

Example: As someone who’s been through it, I can tell you that time management is crucial.


  1. I’d like to weigh in on this

Hindi Meaning: मैं इस पर विचार करना चाहता हूँ

English Meaning: I’d like to contribute my opinion on this

Example: I’d like to weigh in on this and say that the proposal lacks practicality.


  1. In my own two cents

Hindi Meaning: मेरी खुद की दो पैसे की राय में

English Meaning: From my own perspective

Example: In my own two cents, the marketing strategy needs more focus on social media.


  1. In my estimation

Hindi Meaning: मेरे अनुसार

English Meaning: According to my judgment

Example: In my estimation, the project will be completed ahead of schedule.


  1. I’ve always thought that

Hindi Meaning: मैं हमेशा सोचता आया हूँ कि

English Meaning: I’ve consistently believed that

Example: I’ve always thought that open communication fosters a better work environment.


  1. I’ve believed

Hindi Meaning: मेरी राय रही है

English Meaning: I have held the belief

Example: I’ve believed that the company should diversify its product line.


  1. From my viewpoint

Hindi Meaning: अपने नजरिये से देखते हुए

English Meaning: From my individual perspective

Example: In my viewpoint, the proposal needs more clarity on cost estimates.


  1. I’d venture to say

Hindi Meaning: मैं कहने की कोशिश करती  हूँ

English Meaning: I’d dare to suggest

Example: I’d venture to say that the team is capable of meeting the tight deadline.


  1. If I may offer my thoughts

Hindi Meaning: अगर मैं अपने विचार दे सकता हूँ

English Meaning: If I may present my thoughts

Example: If I may offer my thoughts, we need to streamline the decision-making process.


  1. It is my impression that

Hindi Meaning: यह मेरा अनुभव है

English Meaning: I believe that

Example: It is my impression that proper training can improve employee performance.


  1. Speaking from my experience

Hindi Meaning: मेरे अनुभव से बोलते हुए

English Meaning: Sharing based on my background

Example: Speaking from my experience, a flexible schedule boosts productivity.


  1. It’s my take that

Hindi Meaning: यह मेरी राय है कि

English Meaning: It’s my perspective that

Example: It’s my take that collaboration leads to better outcomes.


  1. To share my viewpoint

Hindi Meaning: मैं अपने विचारों को बताना चाहती हूँ

English Meaning: To express my opinion

Example: To share my viewpoint, I believe we need a more inclusive approach.


  1. In my considered view

Hindi Meaning: मेरी सोच के अनुसार

English Meaning: From my thoughtful perspective

Example: In my considered view, the company should prioritize sustainability.


  1. From my vantage point

Hindi Meaning: मेरे नजरिये से

English Meaning: Based on my position

Example: From my vantage point, investing in training would yield significant benefits.


  1. It is my firm belief that

Hindi Meaning: यह मेरा विश्वास है कि

English Meaning: I am strongly convinced that

Example: It is my firm belief that continuous improvement drives success.


  1. To put in my two cents

Hindi Meaning: मेरे दो पैसे देने के लिए

English Meaning: To share my opinion

Example: Allow me to put in my two cents on this matter.


  1. In my professional opinion

Hindi Meaning: मेरी राय है

English Meaning: From my expert perspective

Example: In my professional opinion, a software upgrade is necessary.


  1. To voice my belief

Hindi Meaning: मेरे विश्वास को आवाज़ देने के लिए

English Meaning: To express my conviction

Example: I’d like to voice my belief that diversity fosters creativity.



These phrases provide us with a vibrant palette to paint our opinions and perspectives. Just as each color brings depth to a picture, these words enrich our conversations and help us connect better with others. By using these expressions, we can add a touch of creativity and uniqueness to our interactions, making our communication more engaging and enjoyable. So, let’s embrace these varied ways of expressing ourselves and continue to share our thoughts with flair and enthusiasm.



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