Pragmatic Ways to Learn English for the IELTS Exam

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IELTS, an exam that confirms your ticket to a foreign English-speaking country, is quite an easy exam if one has a good approach and ways to crack it.

We will be discovering some of these ways in this blog that will make your preparation full of fun.

Before jumping into the methods, let’s know something about the exam.


What is IELTS?

The International English Language testing system is a systematically designed exam structure where every aspect of speaking English is covered quite meticulously. This is why, it is adopted by many English-speaking countries for allowing students and professionals to pursue their studies and careers in their country.

In this test, you are tested on four basic skills of the English language i.e. reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills. Your proficiency and fluency in English by learning all these skills will help you crack this exam.

Here comes the most awaited part where you will get to know about the different ways through which you can learn English to crack the IELTS exam.


What Are the Different Ways of Learning English to Crack the IELTS Exam?


i) Read from good sources:

Reading is one of the essential aspects of this exam. IELTS is the exam where we need to be proficient in reading any text and comprehend its meaning.

Moreover, we must focus on pronouncing each word clearly, which can only be done with intense practice.

You can read books of your interests and ignite your zeal to learn more and more.

Take a step forward and start reading advanced books after having developed a good interest in reading.

Read out texts aloud to improve your accent and perform better in the exam.

One can also try to improve one’s reading ability by listening to songs and understand different ways of pronouncing English words.


ii) Practice articulating your understanding:

Articulation of thoughts shows the rigidity of your thought process. This is what is checked when you appear for the exam.

In the IELTS exam, you get to write on various topics, where you’re judged on how well you express yourself.

Writing on anything needs constant practice. So, what you can do is to continue your writing practice daily. There are various issues on which you can express your thoughts, be it environmental, social, cultural, or political topics.

In the beginning, read articles relating to different categories, and then draft an essay uniquely. This method proves to be useful for all English learners and helps them to improve their writing skills too.


iii) Change your language taste:

We all like to watch our feeds and contents in our local language.

IELTS can be cracked by listening and reading English content rather than doing the same in our local language.

For this, you need to practice listening to English speeches and poetry. You can also read posts available on your social media handles and other platforms.

Reading will give you better exposure to new ideas and motivate you.

One can also start this process by listening to English News channels. As you continue, you will find that your mind can understand what is being spoken and reciprocate well.

This should be repeatedly done to make your practice consistent and to perform better in the exam.


iv) Converse in English:

Do you know what the real motive behind conducting this test is? Being correct and comfortable while talking to people around you abroad. You should interact with them and make yourself comfortable quite easily.

Practicing among your groups will make you more proficient in speaking the language. There are various other ways to learn spoken English, like opting for an online course, which can help you make your preparation relatively easy.

Online Courses give you the real-time practice of speaking English and learning conversational skills.


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v) Have Self-confidence:

English might be a very difficult to you. Sometimes you will find it difficult to continue with the preparation. However, having faith in yourself matters, and the zeal to crack the exam would bring you true success. Have patience and be confident that you will be able to make it and pass your exam with flying colors.


vi) Testing your Progress:

Before appearing for the exam, one should prepare oneself by testing their knowledge level. The test will help them figure out mistakes their mistakes and give them a chance to overcome their shortcomings.


vii) Guidance from experienced teachers:

Get yourself guided by experienced teachers.

Take the advice of those teachers who have appeared in the exam and work on improving yourself to clear the exam.

We often ignore the significance of a guide or a mentor. We require proper guidance to look into the new challenges that come our way while preparing for the exam. It is where guides help us and train us effectively.



One should remember, never to learn anything for the sake of exams. Exams are part and parcels of life. Learn to gain knowledge and you will find yourself performing better than others in your exam.

This applies to learning English too. We learn English to clear exams and do not understand the importance of learning it at an early age which makes us face a lot of problems in the latter part of life.

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Awal is the most loved English coach on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. His unique style of explaining a concept with simple and interesting examples is super hit among his fans. Learn English With Awal and shine!

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