Word of the day Zeal
Zeal meaning in Hindi
बहुत उत्साह
Bahut utsah
Zeal meaning in English
Great enthusiasm, interest, or eagerness
Zeal Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Eagerness, fervor
Zeal Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Apathy, lethargy
Word Zeal Uses and Examples
The zeal among the students is still high.
बच्चों में अभी भी बहुत उत्साह है।
One should have a zeal for learning.
इंसान में सीखने की चाह होनी चाहिए।
In his zeal to get his work finished on time, he made a lot of mistakes.
अपना काम समय पर ख़त्म करने की चाह में उसने बहुत गलतियां की।
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