Word of the day Voracious
Voracious meaning in Hindi
अत्यंत भूखा; भुक्खड़
Atyant bhukha; bhukkhad
Voracious meaning in English
Having a very eager or insatiable appetite for something, often food or knowledge
Voracious Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Ravenous, insatiable, gluttonous, greedy, avid
Voracious Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Moderate, satisfied, content, indifferent
Word Voracious Uses and Examples
She had a voracious appetite for books, often reading several novels in a week.
उसकी किताबों के प्रति अत्यंत भूख थी, अक्सर एक हफ्ते में कई novels पढ़ती थी।
The voracious wolf devoured its prey in a matter of seconds.
वो अत्यंत भूखा भेड़िया कुछ पलों में अपना शिकार खा गया।
I was voracious.
मैं बहुत भूखा था।
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