Word of the day Reimburse
Reimburse meaning in Hindi
किसी व्यक्ति को पैसा लौटाना
Kisi vyakti ko paise lautana
Reimburse meaning in English
To pay money back to somebody
Reimburse Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Repay, refund
Reimburse Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Penalize, damage
Word Reimburse Uses and Examples
The company will reimburse you in full for your travelling expenses.
Company आपको travelling का पूरा खर्चा वापिस देगी।
She was reimbursed by the gas company for the damage to her house.
Gas company ने उसे उसका घर तबाह होने पर पूरा मुआवज़ा दिया।
We will reimburse all costs.
हम पूरा खर्चा वापिस करेंगे।
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