Recite | Day 375 | Word of the day

Word of the day Recite


Recite meaning in Hindi





Recite meaning in English

Extremely unpleasant, causing fear, shock, or disgust.


Recite Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Terrible, awful, dreadful, frightening, appalling


Recite Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Pleasant, delightful, wonderful, enjoyable


Word Recite Uses and Examples

1. The movie was so horrible that I couldn’t even finish watching it.

फिल्म इतनी भयानक थी कि मैं उसे पूरा देख नहीं सका।  


2. The horrible storm caused a lot of damage to the town.

भयानक तूफ़ान ने शहर में बहुत तबाही मचाई।  


3. She had a horrible nightmare that left her feeling terrified.

उसने एक भयानक सपना देखा जिससे उसे डर गई।

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