Word of the day Perceive
Perceive meaning in Hindi
महसूस करना; जानना
Mehsoos karna; janana
Perceive meaning in English
To become aware of through the senses; to understand or interpret something in a particular way
Perceive Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Notice, sense, comprehend, discern, realize
Perceive Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Ignore, overlook, misunderstand, misinterpret, neglect
Word Perceive Uses and Examples
1. People often perceive beauty differently based on their cultural backgrounds and personal preferences.
लोग अक्सर अपनी cultural background और व्यक्तिगत पसंदों के आधार पर सौंदर्य को अलग तरीके से महसूस करते हैं।
2. She perceived a change in his attitude towards her, indicating that something was bothering him.
उसने उसके बर्ताव में बदलाव महसूस किया, जिससे यह कहा जा सकता था कि कुछ उसे परेशान कर रहा हथा।
3. It’s important to perceive criticism as an opportunity for growth and improvement rather than as a negative judgment.
ये ज़रूरी है कि आलोचना को नकारात्मक निर्णय के रूप के बजाय वृद्धि और सुधार का एक अवसर माना जाए।
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