Mellifluous | Day 385 | Word of the day

Word of the day Mellifluous


Mellifluous meaning in Hindi


मधुर; सुरीला

Madhur; sureela


Mellifluous meaning in English

(of a voice or sound) pleasingly smooth and musical to hear


Mellifluous Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Sweet-sounding, melodious, harmonious, tuneful, lyrical


Mellifluous Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Harsh, discordant, cacophonous, grating, jarring


Word Mellifluous Uses and Examples

1. Her mellifluous singing captivated the audience.

उसके मधुर गाने ने दर्शकों को मोहित कर दिया।


2. The mellifluous notes of the flute created a soothing atmosphere in the garden.

बांसुरी की मधुर स्वरों ने उद्यान में एक सुखद वातावरण बनाया।


3. The actor’s mellifluous voice was well-suited for narrating bedtime stories.

अभिनेता की मधुर आवाज़ सोने के समय की कहानियों की व्याख्या के लिए उपयुक्त थी।

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