Word of the day Guile
Guile meaning in Hindi
छल, बेईमानी
Chhal, beimaani
Guile meaning in English
Clever but sometimes dishonest behaviour that you use to deceive someone
Guile Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Wiliness, Craftiness
Guile Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Candour, honesty
Word Guile Uses and Examples
The president used all his guile to stay in power.
President ने power में रहने के लिए अपने सारे पैंतरे आज़मा लिए।
He is a simple man, totally lacking in guile.
वो बिलकुल सीधा-साधा इंसान है जिसे छल करना नहीं आता है।
In this case, we had to use a little more guile.
इस case में हमें थोड़ी बेईमानी करनी पड़ी।
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