Word of the day Gorge
Gorge meaning in Hindi
खाना ठूंसना
Khana thunsna
Gorge meaning in English
Eat a large amount greedily
Gorge Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Devour, Gollop
Gorge Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Word Gorge Uses and Examples
He was gorging himself on chips while watching TV.
वो TV dekhte वक्त chips खाए जा रहा था।
If you gorge yourself on snacks like that, you won’t eat your dinner.
अगर तुम इसी तरह snacks ठूंसते रहोगे, तो रात को खाना नहीं खा पाओगे।
She sat in front of the Television, gorging herself on chocolates.
वो TV के सामने बैठी और chocolates खाने लग गई।
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