Word of the day Flabbergasted
Flabbergasted meaning in Hindi
बहुत हैरान होना या दंग रह जाना
Bahut hairaan hona ya dang reh jana
Flabbergasted meaning in English
Greatly surprised
Flabbergasted Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Astonished, amazed
Flabbergasted Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Aware, oriented
Word Flabbergasted Uses and Examples
When they announced her name, the winner just sat there, flabbergasted.
जब उन्होंने उसका नाम लिया, तो वो बस दंग होकर बैठी रही।
She was flabbergasted by the whole thing.
वो पूरे वाक्या से हैरान थी।
We were flabbergasted to learn of the thefts.
हम दंग रह गए जब हमें इन चोरियों के बारे में पता चला।
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