Word of the day Eavesdrop
Eavesdrop meaning in Hindi
छुप–छुप के बातें सुनना
Chhup–chhup ke baten sunna
Eavesdrop meaning in English
Secretly listen to a conversation
Eavesdrop Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Spy, intrude
Eavesdrop Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Ignore, be unconcerned
Word Eavesdrop Uses and Examples
He was eavesdropping on our conversation.
वह छुप–छुप कर हमारी बातें सुन रहा था।
We shouldn’t eavesdrop on anyone’s conversation.
हमें छुप–छुप के किसी की बातें नहीं सुननी चाहिए।
Why were you eavesdropping on our conversation?
तुम छुप–छुप के हमारी बातें क्यों सुन रहे थे?
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