Word of the day Despondent
Despondent meaning in Hindi
निराश; नाखुश होना
Nirash; nakhush hona
Despondent meaning in English
Without hope; unhappy
Despondent Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Woeful, disheartened
Despondent Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Jubilant, overjoyed
Word Despondent Uses and Examples
She was becoming increasingly despondent about getting a job.
वो अपनी नौकरी मिलने को लेकर दिन पर दिन निराश होती जा रही थी।
She started to feel despondent about ever going there.
वो वहां जाने को लेकर निराश होने लग गई थी।
He grew increasingly despondent when his paintings failed to sell.
वो बहुत निराश हो गया जब उसकी एक भी painting नहीं बिकी।
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