Word of the day Crude
Crude meaning in Hindi
ओछी या अश्लील
Ochhee ya ashleel
Crude meaning in English
Vulgar, Rude, and offensive
Crude Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Vulgar, indecent
Crude Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Decent, inoffensive
Word Crude Uses and Examples
He made some crude remarks about her at the party.
उसने में उसके बारे में बहुत ओछी बातें कहीं।
I don’t like crude jokes.
मुझे अश्लील jokes नहीं पसंद हैं।
Why are a making such crude comments!
तुम ऐसी ओछी बातें क्यों कह रहे हो!
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