Word of the day Chastise
Chastise meaning in Hindi
किसी को डांटना या उनको पीट कर सज़ा देना
Kisi ko daantna ya unko peet kar saza dena
Chastise meaning in English
to scold or punish someone, especially by hitting them
Chastise Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Punish, thrash
Chastise Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Praise, assist
Word Chastise Uses and Examples
The father chastised his son for his mistake.
पिता ने अपने बेटे को गलती करने पर बहुत डांटा।
He chastised his employees for their laziness.
उसने अपने employees को lazy होने के लिए डांटा।
Some people believe in chastising children physically.
कुछ लोग बच्चों को मारने में विश्वास रखते हैं।
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