Word of the day Alarming
Alarming meaning in Hindi
चिंताजनक, भयानक
Chintajanak, bhayanak
Alarming meaning in English
Feeling too satisfied with yourself or with a situation, so that you think that there is no need to worry
Alarming Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Smug, gloating
Alarming Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Humble, dissatisfied
Word Alarming Uses and Examples
There has been an alarming rise in the rate of inflation.
Inflation के rate में बहुत बढ़ोतरी हुई है जो की चिंताजनक है।
It’s an alarming news.
यह खबर चिंताजनक है।
I find the prospect of being without work extremely alarming.
मेरे लिए कोई काम न मिलने की संभावना बहुत भयानक है।
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