
Vary | Day 76 | Word of the day

Vary (ˈव़ेअरि)


(एक ही प्रकार की चीज़ों के समूह का) एक-दूसरे से अलग होना

(Ek hi tarah ki cheezon ka) ek-dusre se alag hona


स्तिथि के मुताबिक अलग होना या बदलना

Stithi ke mutabik alag hona ya badalna

Vary meaning in English

(used about a group of similar things) to be different from each other


To be different or to change according to the situation

Pronunciation – Veh-ree 

Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Contrast, differ, change

Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Agree, compare, match, accord, correspond, conform


1.  The size can vary.

2. Salary scale varies between states.

3. Prices vary widely from shop to shop.

4. Stopping distances for cars vary with the speed they are travelling at.

5. The value of stocks varied from month to month last year.


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