Word of the day
Utopia meaning in Hindi
कल्पनालोक (कल्पना में बना संसार जहाँ सब कुछ आदर्श स्थिति में है), आदर्श-लोक
Kapalnalok (kalpana mein bana sansaar Jahan sab kuch aadarsh sthiti mein hai), aadarsh-lok
Utopia meaning in English
a place or state that exists only in the imagination, where everything is perfect
Utopia Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Paradise, heaven
Utopia Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Dystopia, hell
1. Her utopia suddenly turned into our dystopia.
2. You’re just in a state of utopia.
3. I hope for a utopia regarding this.
4. They have been trying to create a utopia for years now.
5. I am not living in a utopia.
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