Word of the day Terror
Terror meaning in Hindi
आतंक; भय; दहशत
Aatank; bhay; dahshat
Terror meaning in English
A feeling of intense fear, or an instance of such fear; a person or thing that causes fear
Terror Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Fear, dread, fright, panic, alarm
Terror Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Calmness, composure, serenity, tranquility
Word Terror Uses and Examples
1. The loud noise caused terror among the people.
ज़ोरदार शोर ने लोगों के बीच भय पैदा कर दिया।
2. The child screamed in terror when the lights went out suddenly.
बच्चा अचानक बत्ती गुल होने पर दहशत में चिल्लाया।
3. The news of the natural disaster struck terror in the hearts of the villagers.
प्राकृतिक आपदा की खबर से गाँववालों के दिलों में आतंक फैल गया।
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