Word of the day Technique
Technique meaning in Hindi
तकनीक; कौशल
Takneek; Kaushal
Technique meaning in English
A method or way of doing something, especially one that involves practical skills
Technique Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Method, approach, skill, procedure, tactic
Technique Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Ineptitude, clumsiness, incompetence
Word Technique Uses and Examples
1. She has mastered the technique of playing the piano.
उसने पियानो बजाने की तकनीक को सीख लिया है।
2. The chef demonstrated his cooking techniques to the students.
शेफ ने छात्रों को अपनी पकाने की तकनीक दिखाई।
3. Learning different painting techniques can enhance your artistic abilities.
विभिन्न चित्रकला की तकनीकें सीखना आपकी कलात्मक क्षमताओं को बढ़ा सकता है।
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