Soar | Day 110 | Word of the day

Word of the day

Soar meaning in Hindi


हवा में ऊँचे उड़ना

Hawa mein uncha udna


बहुत तेज़ी से बढ़ना

Bahut tezi se badhna

Soar meaning in English

To fly high in the air
To rise very fast

Soar Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Wing, rise, mount, take off

Soar Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Plummet, descend, dip, fall off


1. The temperature soared to 100 degrees.

2. Stock prices are beginning to soar.

3. The oil shortage sent prices soaring.

4. You’ll soar to success soon.

5. My spirits soared when I heard the good news.

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