Word of the day Smashing
Smashing meaning in Hindi
बहुत शानदार; अद्भुत, प्रभावशाली
Bahut shandaar; adbhut, prabhavshali
Smashing meaning in English
Very impressive or wonderful; excellent or remarkable
Smashing Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Fantastic, wonderful, terrific, fabulous, amazing
Smashing Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Terrible, awful, dreadful, lousy
Word Smashing Uses and Examples
1. The party was smashing, everyone had a great time.
पार्टी बहुत शानदार थी, सभी ने बहुत मजे किए।
2. She wore a smashing dress to the event.
उसने कार्यक्रम में एक बहुत शानदार पोशाक पहनी थी।
3. His performance was simply smashing.
उसका प्रदर्शन बिल्कुल शानदार था।
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