Savage | Day 565 | Word of the day

Word of the day Savage


Savage meaning in Hindi


जंगली; क्रूर; असभ्य

Jangli; krur; asabhya


Savage meaning in English

(Adjective) Fierce, cruel, or untamed.
(Noun) A person regarded as primitive, uncivilized, or brutal.


Savage Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

(Adjective) Brutal, ferocious, wild.

(Noun) Barbarian, brute, beast.


Savage Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

(Adjective) Civilized, gentle, tame.

(Noun) Civilized person, humanitarian.


Word Savage Uses and Examples

1. The tiger’s savage roar echoed through the jungle.

बाघ की जंगली गरज जंगल में गूंज उठी।


2. He was known for his savage temper, often getting into fights over minor issues.

उसकी क्रूर प्रकृति के लिए उसे जाना जाता था, अक्सर छोटी-मोटी मुद्दों पर झगड़े में पड़ जाता था।


3. The tribe was feared for their savage rituals.

उनके जंगली अनुष्ठानों के लिए उस कबीले से डर लगता था।

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