Resonate | Day 482 | Word of the day

Word of the day Resonate


Resonate meaning in Hindi


गूँजना; आत्मीयता या सहमति जताना

Goonjna; atmiyata ya sahamati jatana  


Resonate meaning in English

1. Produce or be filled with a deep, full, reverberating sound

2. Evoke or suggest images, memories, or emotions


Resonate Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Reverberate, echo, vibrate, connect, strike a chord


Resonate Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Silence, dull, muffle, disagree, discord


Word Resonate Uses and Examples

1. The music from the orchestra resonated throughout the concert hall.

संगीत अंदाज से संगीतकारी से सभी में गूँजता रहा।


2. Her words resonated with the audience, leaving a lasting impact.

उसके शब्दों से दर्शक सहमत हुए और दिलों पर असर छोड़ गए।


3. The candidate’s message seems to resonate with young voters.

उम्मीदवार का संदेश जवान मतदाताओं के साथ आत्मीयता पैदा करता है।

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