Preacher | Day 635 | Word of the day

Word of the day Preacher


Preacher meaning in Hindi


उपदेशक, धर्मोपदेशक


Preacher meaning in English

A person who delivers sermons or religious messages, often in a church


Preacher Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Clergyman, minister, pastor, evangelist, missionary

Preacher Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Layperson, follower, disciple


Word Preacher Uses and Examples

1. The preacher delivered a powerful sermon on Sunday.
उपदेशक ने रविवार को एक प्रभावशाली उपदेश दिया।

2. She listened intently to the preacher’s message.
उसने उपदेशक के संदेश को ध्यान से सुना।

3. The young preacher inspired many with his words.
युवा उपदेशक ने अपने शब्दों से कई लोगों को प्रेरित किया।

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